最新的阿特金斯饮食法的新闻 //www.nitorex.com/healthnews/atkins-diet-news.asp 列出所有从Medindia阿特金斯饮食法的最新消息。 en - us 2023年版权。保留所有权利。 2023年5月7日太阳11:01:49 GMT < ![CDATA[低脂低碳水化合物饮食饮食延长寿命和缩短寿命:这就是]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/low -脂肪-饮食-延长-生活- - - -低碳水化合物饮食-缩短生命跨度-继承者- 211653 - 1. - htm Eating medlinklow-carbohydrate diets/medlink may increase the risk of early death, whereas eating low-fat diets may add more years to your life, suggests a new study. Short-term clinical trials have shown the effectiveness of low-carbohydrate diets and low-fat diets for medlinkweight loss/medlink and cardiovascular benefits. h2Low Fat Foods/h2 Low-fat diets include whole grain food, medlinklean meat/medlink, reduced fat dairy, vegetables, medlinklentils/medlink and fruits.... //www.nitorex.com/news/low -脂肪-饮食-延长-生活- - - -低碳水化合物饮食-缩短生命跨度-继承者- 211653 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[产妇高脂肪饮食的影响后代的口味偏好]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/maternal -高脂肪饮食-影响后代的味道——首选项- 211577 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list" li Maternal and early-life exposure to a high-fat diet can impact the taste preferences and metabolism of offspring /li li Offspring who were fed a high-fat diet throughout pregnancy and infancy preferred salty water, indicating altered taste preferences /li li The increased expression of the AT1 protein in the taste buds of female offspring fed a high-fat diet is linked to a preference for salty taste /li/ul We are all aware of ... //www.nitorex.com/news/maternal -高脂肪饮食-影响后代的味道——首选项- 211577 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[饮食和糖尿病:链接我们不能忽视]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/diet -和-糖尿病- -联系我们-不能忽视- 211556 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list" li Dietary difficulties are to blame for the majority of new instances of type 2 diabetes worldwide /li li Eating too much-refined grain and wheat, as well as processed meats, were the primary causes of diet-related type 2 diabetes /li li Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia were the regions of the world where nutrition was more to blame for the disease /li/ul 11 dietary factors were responsible for 70.3% of the world's 14.... //www.nitorex.com/news/diet -和-糖尿病- -联系我们-不能忽视- 211556 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[同步你的板你的生物钟:探索生理饮食的好处和限制]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/syncing - -板-与-你的身体-时钟-探索- -效益-和-限制- - -生理-饮食- 211394 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list" li The Circadian diet involves syncing your meals with your body's 24-hour internal clock to optimize metabolism and overall health /li li This diet emphasizes nutrient-dense foods, such as whole grains, healthy fats, and veggies, and recommends restricting food intake after sunset /li li The Circadian diet differs from intermittent fasting, as it allows for eating all day and consuming little in the evening, while intermittent fasting requires ... //www.nitorex.com/news/syncing - -板-与-你的身体-时钟-探索- -效益-和-限制- - -生理-饮食- 211394 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[未加工和超:对饮食质量的影响和慢性疾病风险]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/unprocessed - vs -超-加工-影响- - - -饮食-质量-和-慢性疾病风险- 211348 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list" li A study examined the association between unprocessed and minimally processed foods (UMP) and ultra-processed foods (UPF) consumption and three diet-quality metrics (AHEI-2010, aMED, and DASH-diet score) among male and female health professionals in the US from 1986 to 2010 /li li UMP foods (preservative-free vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc.) are high in nutrients and linked to a lower risk of chronic diseases, while UPF foods (ready-to-eat ... //www.nitorex.com/news/unprocessed - vs -超-加工-影响- - - -饮食-质量-和-慢性疾病风险- 211348 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA [PCOS的饮食问题]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/pcos -和-饮食- - - 211199 - 1. - htm重要 bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points" liPCOS is a common yet frequently undetected disease that affects more than just the ovaries and is an endocrine and metabolic disorder that causes hormone imbalances/li liThe Mediterranean diet is the ideal diet for people with PCOS, as it eliminates foods associated with inflammation and includes non-starchy vegetables and fruits, lean protein, healthy carbs, and low-fat dairy/li liPeople with PCOS should avoid foods that can ... //www.nitorex.com/news/pcos -和-饮食- - - 211199 - 1. - htm重要 < ![CDATA[超越饮食和锻炼,以防止儿童肥胖]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/look - -饮食和锻炼- -防止儿童肥胖- 211019 - 1. - htm Eating a healthy diet and doing exercise every day alone will not prevent obesity in children, finds a new study. Focusing on immediate fixes such as diet and exercise programs alone won't curb the tide of medlinkchildhood obesity/medlink, according to a new study that for the first time maps the complex pathways that lead to obesity in childhood. Coordinated by the University of Sydney's Charles Perkins Centre the study finds children whose parents did not complete high school and who live ... //www.nitorex.com/news/look - -饮食和锻炼- -防止儿童肥胖- 211019 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[维生素丰富的饮食可以帮助减少胰腺炎风险]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/can -维生素a -富-饮食-帮助-减少胰腺炎-风险- 210925 - 1. - htm Among kids and adults with medlinkacute lymphoblastic leukemia/medlink (ALL), vitamin A rich foods can decrease the risk of developing inflammation of pancreas (pancreatitis) during chemotherapy. The findings are published in iScience Translational Medicine./i The research team was led by Sohail Husain, MD, chief of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition at Stanford University and Anil Goud Jegga, DVM, MRes, a computational biologist at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.... //www.nitorex.com/news/can -维生素a -富-饮食-帮助-减少胰腺炎-风险- 210925 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[包括鸡蛋在你的饮食能够降低心脏病的风险))> //www.nitorex.com/news/include鸡蛋——-你-饮食- -低- - -心脏疾病的风险——- 210914 - 1. - htm bHighlights :/bul class="group-list punch-points" liRegular consumption of 3 eggs per week may be associated with a 60% decrease in cardiovascular disease risk/li liFour to seven eggs per week are linked with a 75% decrease in the risk of heart disease /li liEggs also help in lowering blood sugar levels by slowing glucose absorption from the gut/li/ul A recent study published in Nutrition claims that consuming three eggs per week can reduce the risk of heart disease by 60%.... //www.nitorex.com/news/include鸡蛋——-你-饮食- -低- - -心脏疾病的风险——- 210914 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[燃料你的大脑思维和地中海饮食减少老年痴呆症迹象]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fuel - -大脑与心灵-和-地中海-饮食- -减少老年痴呆症病- 210824 - 1. - htm迹象 MIND and Mediterranean diets are more likely to benefit people with Alzheimer's disease, reports a new study. People who eat diets rich in green leafy vegetables as well as other vegetables, fruits, whole grains, olive oil, beans, nuts and fish may have fewer amyloid plaques and tau tangles in their brain-signs of Alzheimer's disease-than people who do not consume such diets, according to a study published in the online issue of iNeurology (Regd) /i, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.... //www.nitorex.com/news/fuel - -大脑与心灵-和-地中海-饮食- -减少老年痴呆症病- 210824 - 1. - htm迹象 < ![CDATA[可以低碳水化合物饮食改善乳腺癌患者的肝转移治疗?]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/can -低碳水化合物饮食-改进-肝转移治疗-乳腺癌症患者- 210803 - 1. - htm Eating a low-carbohydrate diet can improve treatment of liver metastases in people with breast cancer, suggests a new study. University of Illinois researchers have found that liver medlinkmetastases in breast cancer/medlink patients rely on increased amounts of glucose, indicating the possibility of a dietary intervention to reduce tumor burden and increase treatment efficacy. Approximately one-third of breast cancer patients will develop metastatic disease, which commonly occurs in the bones, lung, and liver.... //www.nitorex.com/news/can -低碳水化合物饮食-改进-肝转移治疗-乳腺癌症患者- 210803 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[地中海饮食能帮助患有多发性硬化症]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/mediterranean -饮食-可以援助——人————多重硬化症- 210725 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points"li The Mediterranean diet comprises fruits, vegetables, seafood, legumes, and healthy fats/li liIt excludes any form of dairy, meat, and saturated fatty acids/li liThis diet helps people with multiple sclerosis improve their memory and thinking skills/li/ul People with multiple sclerosis (MS) who follow a Mediterranean diet may have a lower risk of problems with memory and thinking skills than those who do not follow the diet.... //www.nitorex.com/news/mediterranean -饮食-可以援助——人————多重硬化症- 210725 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[加尔维斯顿饮食绝经期减肥]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/galveston -饮食- -更年期体重损失- 210689 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list" li There is no magic method to eat for your hormones, but certain foods may help keep your hormones balanced and your body running smoothly /li li Galveston diet is one way to achieve this hormonal balance and avoid weight gain after menopause /li li Anti-inflammatory meals, lean proteins, and fiber-rich plant foods are prioritized above processed foods and sweets in this diet /li/ul Many women experience uncomfortable weight gain ... //www.nitorex.com/news/galveston -饮食- -更年期体重损失- 210689 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[慢性疲劳在癌症幸存者可以与健康饮食]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/chronic -疲劳在癌症幸存者- - - - - - -可以战斗- - -健康饮食- 210436 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points" liLong-term, persistent fatigue is the most commonly reported side effect in cancer survivors/li liCancer-related fatigue reduces the quality of life, and treatments are limited/li liA healthy diet including eating at least one high vitamin C fruit, one yellow or orange vegetable, one tomato serving, one leafy green serving, 3 servings of whole grains a day; and 2 servings of omega-3 fatty acid rich foods a day, whether plant or ... //www.nitorex.com/news/chronic -疲劳在癌症幸存者- - - - - - -可以战斗- - -健康饮食- 210436 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[药物和手术治疗儿童肥胖症在饮食和运动]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/drugs -和-手术-帮助-治疗儿童肥胖- -饮食和锻炼- 210414 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points"li New guidelines for treating obesity in kids include drugs and surgery/li liThis aggressive step has been taken as the rates of obesity have increased from 17% to 20% over the past ten years/li liFDA approves WEGOVY a new anti-obesity drug to treat children over 12 years of age/li/ul AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) has taken a drastic decision to battle the rising pandemic of obesity in children. They have decided ... //www.nitorex.com/news/drugs -和-手术-帮助-治疗儿童肥胖- -饮食和锻炼- 210414 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[新工具可以帮助预测饮食对健康的影响和癌症细胞]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/new -工具——可能帮助-预测- -饮食-的-影响- - -健康- - - -癌症细胞- 210323 - 1. - htm Newly developed tool may help forecast the impact of various dietary plans on both cancerous and healthy cells. The researchers' tool could aid in identifying the specific metabolic changes caused by different types of nutrients, potentially leading to a better understanding of the relationship between diet and disease. The tool could also help researchers to understand how cancer cells alter their metabolism to promote survival and growth. h2Does Unhealthy Diet Affect Cancer Cells?/h2 They ... //www.nitorex.com/news/new -工具——可能帮助-预测- -饮食-的-影响- - -健康- - - -癌症细胞- 210323 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[多高脂肪/卡路里饮食技巧大脑少吃吗?]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/how -高- fatcalorie饮食技巧————大脑————少吃- - - - - - - 210272 - 1. - htm Consuming a high-fat/calorie diet regularly may weaken the brain's capability to manage calorie intake. New research in rats published in i The Journal of Physiology /i found that after short periods of being fed a high-fat/high-calorie diet, the brain adapts to react to what is being ingested and reduces the amount of food eaten to balance calorie intake. The researchers from Penn State College of Medicine, US, suggest that b calorie intake is regulated in the short-term by cells called ... //www.nitorex.com/news/how -高- fatcalorie饮食技巧————大脑————少吃- - - - - - - 210272 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[80/20饮食减肥]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/lose -重量-与- 210255 - 1. - 8020 -饮食- - htm bHighlights:/b ul class= (and) #147253;roup-list (and) #65533; li Restrictive diets fail as fails because it does not result in a sustainable and balanced lifestyle /li li The 80/20 diet prevents you from putting on weight while making you feel satisfied /li li It emphasizes distributing other carbohydrates and nutrients evenly throughout the day /li/ul Dieting methods such as 'you can't eat carbs' or 'eat less' are prevalent in most diet plans. We have been taught that to attain ... //www.nitorex.com/news/lose -重量-与- 210255 - 1. - 8020 -饮食- - htm < ![CDATA[减少卡路里的饮食对减肥更有效]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/calorie赤字-饮食- -更有效——重量损失- 210129 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list" li Time-restricted eating patterns are gaining popularity for weight loss /li li However, the time delay between the first and last meal was not linked with weight changes /li li Eating less overall and fewer large meals were found to be a more effective weight management technique than intermittent fasting /li/ul The frequency and size of meals were a stronger factor of medlinkweight loss/medlink or increase than the duration ... //www.nitorex.com/news/calorie赤字-饮食- -更有效——重量损失- 210129 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[阿特金斯饮食以及饮食可以帮助减少癫痫发作]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/atkins -饮食-在- -饮食-可以帮助减少癫痫- 210096 - 1. - htm In people with tough-to-treat epilepsy, following Atkins diet along with regular medications may decrease seizures, revealed study published in iAmerican Academy of Neurology/i. "For people with drug-resistant epilepsy, or those who have been unable to find effective treatment to reduce seizures, it's encouraging to see that there are lifestyle changes that can be combined with standard drug therapy to reduce the number of seizures," said study author Manjari Tripathi, M.D., D.M., of All ... //www.nitorex.com/news/atkins -饮食-在- -饮食-可以帮助减少癫痫- 210096 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[植物性饮食富含大量营养健康]]> ——加载//www.nitorex.com/news/plant -基础-饮食- - - - bundle的健康营养- 210033 1. - htm Eating a healthy plant-based diet on a regular basis can help you stay hale and healthy, suggest experts. bObesity is an emerging public health problem of epidemic proportions worldwide./bGlobally, obesity has nearly tripled since 1975 and as per 2016 data 1.9 billion adults are overweight or obese, according to WHO. h2Why is Obesity on the Rise/h2 Unhealthy dietary habits are a major modifiable factor, leading to obesity. India too is battling this full-blown crisis of malnutrition ... ——加载//www.nitorex.com/news/plant -基础-饮食- - - - bundle的健康营养- 210033 1. - htm < ![CDATA[最好的饮食2023]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/which - - -最好的饮食- 2023 - 209983 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list" li The U.S. News ranked 24 diets in several categories with the help of more than 30 nutritionists, doctors, and epidemiologists /li li The objective is to help people find a plan that meets their goals, whether it's finding the best weight loss diet, the easiest one to follow, or plans for other goals, such as managing diabetes or heart disease /li li While the Mediterranean diet ranked first, the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) ... //www.nitorex.com/news/which - - -最好的饮食- 2023 - 209983 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[引发生育:地中海饮食可以帮助克服不育问题的夫妇]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fueling生育-地中海-饮食-可以帮助克服-不孕问题的夫妇- 209687 - 1. - htm Are you longing for a baby? If yes, then, start eating a Mediterranean diet to boost your fertility together as a couple. With an emphasis on fruits, vegetables and legumes, the Mediterranean diet has long been applauded for its multiple health benefits. Now, new research shows that it may also help overcome infertility, making it a non-intrusive and affordable strategy for couples trying to conceive. h2Role of Mediterranean Diet in Fertility Treatment/h2 Conducted by Monash University, the ... //www.nitorex.com/news/fueling生育-地中海-饮食-可以帮助克服-不孕问题的夫妇- 209687 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[为什么是绿色的地中海饮食健康]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/why - -绿色-地中海-饮食-健康- 209635 - 1. - htm Green Mediterranean Diet could be the best diet to lose weight in a healthy way, suggest experts. Diets can be taken up for a variety of reasons, including weight loss, weight gain, hormonal balancing, bodybuilding, and so on, but the final goal should be to maintain a balanced diet for optimal health and nutrition. h2Best Diet for Healthy Eating/h2 Living in a world full of information and innovation, there is much to discover, so we explored the trending Green Mediterranean Diet, and compared ... //www.nitorex.com/news/why - -绿色-地中海-饮食-健康- 209635 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[健康饮食是一种强大的武器来对抗心脏病]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/healthy -饮食-是- - -强大的武器战斗——心脏疾病- 209533 - 1. - htm Eating a healthy diet can keep heart diseases at bay, reports a new study. bCardiovascular disease (CVD)/b remains the leading cause of death in the United States, claiming more than 800,000 lives annually. bA healthy diet is one key lifestyle strategy to reduce CVD risk factors/b, including high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and ultimately prevent atherosclerotic heart disease, or the hardening and narrowing of the arteries caused by fatty buildup that can lead to heart attack and stroke.... //www.nitorex.com/news/healthy -饮食-是- - -强大的武器战斗——心脏疾病- 209533 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[饮食和口腔卫生:含糖的连接可能会酸]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/diet -和-口腔健康-糖-连接-可能成为酸- 209480 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points" liBacteria present in the mouth have been associated with caries, periodontal disease, and systemic diseases/li liThe research on the connection between carbohydrate intake and the composition of bacteria present in the mouth is limited/li liExamining this relationship revealed that carbohydrates and sugary foods may result in poor oral health/li/ul The link between widely consumed foods and the diversity and composition ... //www.nitorex.com/news/diet -和-口腔健康-糖-连接-可能成为酸- 209480 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[结直肠癌风险降低健康的植物性饮食]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/colorectal -癌症风险降低- - -健康-植物-基础-饮食- 209475 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list" li Eating a healthy plant-based diet plays a role in preventing colorectal cancer /li li Men who ate healthy plant-based foods had a 22% lower risk of colorectal cancer /li li Antioxidants in plant-based food lower colorectal cancer risk by suppressing chronic inflammation /ul A plant-based diet low in unhealthy plant foods, such as refined grains, fruit juices, and added sugars, and high in healthy plant foods, like whole grains, ... //www.nitorex.com/news/colorectal -癌症风险降低- - -健康-植物-基础-饮食- 209475 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[低蛋白饮食使癌症细胞]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/low -蛋白质-饮食-使癌症细胞- 209426 - 1. - htm In mice, diet with less or no proteins was found to block the nutrient signaling pathway that fires up a master regulator of cancer growth. Results are published in iGastroenterology./i h2 Role of Nutrient Sensing Molecules mTORC1 in Cancer /h2 Cancer cells need nutrients to survive and grow. One of the most important nutrient sensing molecules in a cell is called mTORC1. Often called a master regulator of cell growth, it allows cells to sense different nutrients and thereby grow and proliferate.... //www.nitorex.com/news/low -蛋白质-饮食-使癌症细胞- 209426 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[不健康的饮食会损伤你的血管:这就是]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/unhealthy -饮食-可以伤害你的血液血管-这是- 209374 - 1. - htm Poor diet can damage blood vessels and wreak havoc on your overall health, reports a new study. The research team found out that metabolic disease affects blood vessels in different organs of our body in a unique way. For instance, blood vessels in the liver and fat tissue struggle to process the excess lipids, kidney vessels develop metabolic dysfunction, lung vessels become highly inflammatory, and transport across the brain vessels is defective. h2How Does bad Eating Habits Affect Health/h2 "As ... //www.nitorex.com/news/unhealthy -饮食-可以伤害你的血液血管-这是- 209374 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[高脂肪饮食可能会引发疼痛感觉没有肥胖或糖尿病]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/high -脂肪-饮食-可能引发疼痛感觉-不-肥胖或糖尿病- 209294 - 1. - htm High-fat diet plays a role in influencing pain even without obesity or diabetes, finds a new study. A new study in mice from researchers at The University of Texas at Dallas suggests that a short-term exposure to a high-fat diet may be linked to pain sensations even in the absence of a prior injury or a preexisting condition like obesity or diabetes. h2Does High-fat Diet Provoke Chronic Pain/h2 The study, published in the journali Scientific Reports/i, compared the effects of eight weeks of different diets on two cohorts of mice.... //www.nitorex.com/news/high -脂肪-饮食-可能引发疼痛感觉-不-肥胖或糖尿病- 209294 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[生食饮食可以帮助糖尿病患者缓解?]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/can -生-食物-饮食-扭转糖尿病- 209251 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points" liDiabetes is a chronic condition and is one of the leading causes of death around the world/li liRaw food diet is eating uncooked and unprocessed plant-based foods/li liDiabetes in early stages can be prevented with healthy diet, exercise, and stress management/li/ul Raw food diet is yet another diet trend taking the world by storm for people looking to prevent progression of diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that occurs ... //www.nitorex.com/news/can -生-食物-饮食-扭转糖尿病- 209251 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[高脂肪饮食会改变免疫系统]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/high -脂肪-饮食-可能改变-免疫系统- 209151 - 1. - htm In mice, consuming a diet rich in saturated fat was found to reprogram the immune system, making it better able to fight off infection but more susceptible to systemic inflammatory conditions, including sepsis. A previous study by Napier and colleagues found that mice fed a high-fat, high-sugar Western diet were more susceptible to sepsis and had a higher mortality rate than mice fed a standard diet. In the current study, the researchers found similar effects in mice fed a high-fat ketogenic ... //www.nitorex.com/news/high -脂肪-饮食-可能改变-免疫系统- 209151 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA [Fluoride-Supplemented均衡的饮食对龋齿预防]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fluoride -补充平衡-饮食-大- -龋齿预防- 209139 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points"li Fluoride has no tangible health benefits other than preventing dental caries at its effective dose/lili Low-carbohydrate diets for preventing dental caries make such fluoride recommendations largely unnecessary/lili Therefore, currently, fluoride supplementation along with high-carbohydrate diets is recommended for caries prevention/li/ul World Health Organization and the US. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have dropped ... //www.nitorex.com/news/fluoride -补充平衡-饮食-大- -龋齿预防- 209139 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[一个低碳水化合物饮食预防糖尿病]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/does - -低碳水化合物饮食预防糖尿病- 209012 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list punch-points" liCarbohydrates are not good for people with diabetes/li liConsuming simple carbs can cause spike in blood sugar levels in those with diabetes/li liLow-carbohydrate diet can benefit those with unmedicated diabetes (prediabetes)/li/ul How much carbs we eat matters when it comes to managing diabetes. Consuming simple carbohydrates may worsen diabetes. While low-carb diets are often recommended for those being treated for diabetes, ... //www.nitorex.com/news/does - -低碳水化合物饮食预防糖尿病- 209012 1. - htm < ![CDATA [Polyphenol-Rich饮食可以改善心脏健康青少年]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/polyphenol -富-饮食- -改善心脏健康,青少年- 209003 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list punch-points" liDiet rich in polyphenols is good for the heart/li liPlant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and olive oil contain high levels of polyphenol content/li liEating foods rich in polyphenols can protect heart health among adolescents /li/ul Polyphenol rich foods can help young people to live a heart-healthy life, suggests a new study. The consumption of polyphenols in adolescents is associated with a better cardiovascular ... //www.nitorex.com/news/polyphenol -富-饮食- -改善心脏健康,青少年- 209003 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[植物性饮食比肉类和奶制品的饮食:这就是为什么]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/plant -基础-饮食- - -比-饮食-与-肉类和奶制品——这是为什么- 208994 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list punch-points" liAdvanced Glycation End-products (AGEs) are harmful compounds formed when protein or lipids (fat) combine with sugar in the bloodstream/li liLow-fat plant-based diet can reduce AGEs, thereby leading to changes in body weight, body composition and insulin sensitivity/li/ul Switching to a more plant-based diet can offer a bundle of health benefits. Eating a plant-based diet reduces inflammatory dietary Advanced Glycation End-products ... //www.nitorex.com/news/plant -基础-饮食- - -比-饮食-与-肉类和奶制品——这是为什么- 208994 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[饮食有助于时期抽筋]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/diet -扮演一个角色-在-时期-痉挛- 208897 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list" li 90% of adolescent girls complain of period cramps. It is a leading cause of school absenteeism in that age group /li li Diets high in omega-3 fatty acids and low in processed foods, oil and sugar reduce menstruation pain /li/ul Period pain (dysmenorrhea) is the most common reason why teenage girls miss school. A review of pertinent studies indicates that nutrition, particularly diets high in meat, oil, sugar, salt and caffeine, which ... //www.nitorex.com/news/diet -扮演一个角色-在-时期-痉挛- 208897 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[地中海饮食是预防痴呆]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/does -地中海饮食预防痴呆- 208888 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list punch-points" liHealthy diet works wonders in the fight against dementia/li liEating a Mediterranean diet does not reduce the chances of getting dementia/li/ul Following a Mediterranean-style diet may not protect against dementia, reports a new study. A number of studies have suggested that eating a healthy diet may reduce a person's risk of dementia, but a new study has found that two diets including the Mediterranean diet are not linked to a reduced risk of dementia.... //www.nitorex.com/news/does -地中海饮食预防痴呆- 208888 1. - htm < ![CDATA[地中海饮食促进免疫系统对抗皮肤癌]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/mediterranean -饮食-促进免疫系统- - -打击皮肤癌症- 208857 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points" liDiet plays an important role in preventing as well as managing a variety of health conditions/li liFollowing a Mediterranean diet may boost immunotherapy in skin cancer patients/li liThis diet was also found to be associated with improved progression-free survival rates/li/ul Mediterranean diet can improve immunotherapy response in people with advanced melanoma (the most serious type of skin cancer), according to new research ... //www.nitorex.com/news/mediterranean -饮食-促进免疫系统- - -打击皮肤癌症- 208857 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[膨胀和减少饮食增加饮食失调的症状?]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/does -膨胀-和-切-饮食-增加- - -饮食失调的症状- 208600 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list punch-points" liBulking and cutting is now a trending diet practice prevalent among adolescents and young adults/li liBulking (consuming surplus calories) and cutting (restricting calorie consumption) are mainly followed to optimize the growth of lean muscle mass and reduce body fat/li liFollowing bulk and cut dietary cycles may lead to symptoms of eating disorders and muscle dysmorphia/li/ul Bulking and cutting, a common dietary practice ... //www.nitorex.com/news/does -膨胀-和-切-饮食-增加- - -饮食失调的症状- 208600 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA [DASH饮食可以减少心脏病的风险在高血压患者]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/dash -饮食-能-减少- -心脏疾病的风险——————人————高血压- 208546 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list punch-points" liHigh blood pressure (hypertension) is a silent killer that can lead to heart disease/li liFollowing a DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet can cut down the risk of having heart attack and stroke in people with high blood pressure /li liBetter dietary habits can keep heart disease and hypertension at bay/li/ul DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet is the most effective diet to improve heart ... //www.nitorex.com/news/dash -饮食-能-减少- -心脏疾病的风险——————人————高血压- 208546 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[不良的饮食习惯和食物不安全感更常见残疾女性]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/poor -饮食-和-食品-不安全感——更常见——女性——残疾- 208543 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list punch-points" liPoor nutrition status and food insecurity is a common phenomenon experienced by most women with disabilities/li liWomen with disabilities were more likely to rate their diet as poor and have low or very low food security/li liIdentifying barriers to healthy eating and developing nutrition programs could help reduce health disparities among disabled women/li/ul Women with disabilities tend to have a poor diet and face food insecurity, reports a new study.... //www.nitorex.com/news/poor -饮食-和-食品-不安全感——更常见——女性——残疾- 208543 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[孕妇健康的季风饮食小贴士]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/healthy季风-饮食-建议- -怀孕妇女- 208481 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list punch-points" liHealthy monsoon diet can work wonders for pregnant moms this rainy season/li liPregnant women are more prone to cold and other infections during monsoon/li liFollowing a set of healthy eating habit can keep expecting mothers safe and healthy during the monsoon season/li/ul Rainy season is almost here and pregnant women need to be more watchful to stay healthy. However, following a set of monsoon diet tips can keep pregnant women hale and healthy this rainy season.... //www.nitorex.com/news/healthy季风-饮食-建议- -怀孕妇女- 208481 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[高钙和钾的饮食可以预防复发性肾结石症状?]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/can -高-钙和钾-饮食-防止复发症状-肾石- 208144 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list" liHaving one kidney stone may increase the risk of developing another one within five years/li liEnriching your daily diet with foods high in calcium and potassium may help prevent recurrent symptomatic kidney stones/li liDietary adjustments by adding more fruits and vegetables that are rich in calcium and potassium can keep kidney stones at bay/li/ul High calcium and potassium diet could reduce the risk of developing recurrent symptomatic kidney stones, suggests a new study.... //www.nitorex.com/news/can -高-钙和钾-饮食-防止复发症状-肾石- 208144 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[母亲的饮食会影响母乳的质量?]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/does - -母亲-饮食-影响-质量-乳房的奶- 208092 - 1. - htm Consuming fast food diet, such as burgers, fries and fizzy drinks, before pregnancy can negatively affect the mother's breast milk and baby's health, reveals a new study. The study using lab mice has found that even relatively short-term consumption of a fast food diet impacts women's health, reducing their ability to produce nutritional breast milk after giving birth. This can affect the newborn's wellbeing, as well as increase the risk of both mother and child developing potentially fatal conditions ... //www.nitorex.com/news/does - -母亲-饮食-影响-质量-乳房的奶- 208092 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[炎症饮食会增加抑郁,脆弱风险?]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/can -炎症-饮食-增加-抑郁-脆弱的风险- 208001 - 1. - htm bHighlights/b ul class="group-list" liInflammatory diet can increase depression and frailty in adults/li liEating a diet rich in anti-inflammatory compounds like fiber and flavonoids can reduce depression and prevent weakness in adults/li liChoose more fruits and veggies rich in fiber and flavonoids to stay calm and healthy/li/ul Inflammatory diet is more likely to increase depression and frailty in adults, suggests a new study. A new study published in iThe Journal ... //www.nitorex.com/news/can -炎症-饮食-增加-抑郁-脆弱的风险- 208001 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[高脂肪饮食会导致更大的腰围较小的大脑]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/high -脂肪-饮食- -可能导致更大的腰围-小-大脑- 207887 - 1. - htm bHighlights/b ul class="group-list" liHigh-fat diet can cause bigger waistline and smaller brain/li liFollowing a high-fat diet for a long time can increase your body weight and shrink your brain size/li liPeople who eat too many fatty foods are more likely tosuffer both obesity-related diseases and mental health problems/li/ul Long term high-fat diet expands your waistline and shrinks your brain, reports a new study. The findings of the study by researchers from Australia ... //www.nitorex.com/news/high -脂肪-饮食- -可能导致更大的腰围-小-大脑- 207887 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[改善痴呆的研究饮食]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/how -改进-研究- - - - - - -饮食-和-痴呆- 207830 - 1. - htm Nutrition affects the brain, but its effect has not been studied completely. Therefore, researchers offer a few recommendations to improve future research on diet for dementia. Anyone searching the internet for brain-healthy foods will find no shortage of stories making dietary recommendations. Some of those stories point to observational studies that have suggested a link between the lower or greater intake of certain foods and the risk of dementia. But clinical research attempting to connect ... //www.nitorex.com/news/how -改进-研究- - - - - - -饮食-和-痴呆- 207830 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[发现微生物之间的联系西方饮食和结肠直肠癌]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/discovering - -微生物-链接- -西方-饮食-和-结肠直肠癌症- 207749 - 1. - htm Western-style diet, also known as the meat-sweet diet or Standard American Diet (SAD), may increase the risk of colorectal cancer through the intestinal microbiota, suggests a new study. h2Western Diet may up Colorectal Cancer Risk: Here's How/h2 New research builds the case that a Western-style diet - rich in red and processed meat, sugar and refined grains/carbohydrates - is tied to higher risk of colorectal cancer through the intestinal microbiota. Investigators from Brigham and Women's ... //www.nitorex.com/news/discovering - -微生物-链接- -西方-饮食-和-结肠直肠癌症- 207749 - 1. - htm < ![CDATA[高蛋白饮食对减肥:是‘好’的健康?]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/high -蛋白质-饮食- -重量损失——是——-好- - - - - - -健康- 207746 - 1. - htm bHighlights:/b ul class = "group-list punch-points" liIncreasing dietary protein during weight loss can help improve diet quality/li liConsume protein foods like fish, poultry, unprocessed red meat, legumes, dairy, fruits, vegetables and whole grains/li liAvoid processed food, saturated fats, refined grains, sugar and salt while following weight loss programs/li/ul Eating a higher protein diet while following weight loss regimens can help you make better food choices ... //www.nitorex.com/news/high -蛋白质-饮食- -重量损失——是——-好- - - - - - -健康- 207746 - 1. - htm