大便测试最新消息 //www.nitorex.com/healthnews/stool-test-news.asp 列出了来自Medindia的所有关于大便检测的最新消息。 en - us 2023年版权。版权所有。 星期一,2023年4月10日04:05:47 GMT <!粪便样本能帮助诊断早期帕金森症吗?]] > //www.nitorex.com/news/can-stool-samples-help-indicate-the-early-form-of-parkinsons-210553-1.htm Increased concentration of the protein (and) #945;-synuclein aggregates was detected in the stool samples of Parkinson's disease sufferers. In the scientific journal inpj Parkinson's Disease,/i which is published by the NatureSpringer group, they now present a method for detecting these aggregates, which they have developed in collaboration with the University Hospital Cologne, Julich Research Center (FZJ) and the company attyloid GmbH. There are two forms of Parkinson's disease (for short: PD).... //www.nitorex.com/news/can-stool-samples-help-indicate-the-early-form-of-parkinsons-210553-1.htm <![CDATA[致命肠道感染的粪便移植]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplantation-for-life-threatening-intestinal-infections-208721-1.htm Early use of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) was found to cure iClostridioides difficile/i (C. difficile) infection. h2 Feces Transplantation /h2 Feces transplantation in the intestine is an effective cure - and far superior to today's standard treatment - for a life-threatening infection that affects between 2,500 and 3,000 people in Denmark every year. That is the conclusion of a new study conducted by researchers from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital ... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplantation-for-life-threatening-intestinal-infections-208721-1.htm <![CDATA[你的血液或粪便样本可以揭示你到底吃了什么]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/your-blood-or-stool-samples-can-reveal-what-exactly-you-ate-207858-1.htm Matching blood or stool samples to a reference database of foods can reveal how much of our body chemistry is traceable to what we exactly eat, reports a new study. An international team of scientists, led by researchers at University of California San Diego, report a new method called buntargeted metabolomics/b to identify the vast number of molecules derived from food that were previously unidentified, but that appear in our blood and our stool. h2About Untargeted Metabolomics/h2 The ... //www.nitorex.com/news/your-blood-or-stool-samples-can-reveal-what-exactly-you-ate-207858-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便移植逆转衰老]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplants-reverse-aging-206962-1.htm In mice, transplanting fecal microbiota from young into old mice can reverse hallmarks of aging in the gut, eyes, and brain. In the reverse experiment, microbes from aged mice induced inflammation in the brain of young recipients and depleted a key protein required for normal vision. These findings show that gut microbes play a role in the regulating some of the detrimental effects of ageing and open up the possibility of gut microbe-based therapies to combat decline in later life. Prof ... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplants-reverse-aging-206962-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便植入物管理阿尔茨海默氏症模型的行为变化]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-implants-manage-behavioral-changes-in-alzheimers-model-205580-1.htm A definitive causal connection between changes in the gut microbiome to behavioral and cognitive changes in an animal model of Alzheimer's disease is published in the journal iFrontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience/i. The research was led by scientists at Oregon Health (and) Science University. "We found that modulating the gut microbiome by fecal implants in germ-free mice induces behavioral and cognitive changes in an Alzheimer's disease model," said senior author Jacob Raber, Ph.D., professor ... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-implants-manage-behavioral-changes-in-alzheimers-model-205580-1.htm <![CDATA[研究人员揭示了更多关于粪便形成的细节] //www.nitorex.com/news/researchers-reveal-more-details-formation-of-faeces-203564-1.htm How the guinea pig gut forms solid fecal pellets has been revealed by a team of researchers. The details are published in the iJournal of Physiology/i, which improved understanding of how the guinea pig gut forms solid fecal pellets. "We were able to demonstrate for the first time that the guinea pig colon is not only able to control the propulsion of both solid and fluid contents, but that the neural circuits contained in it are also capable of separating the homogeneous fecal contents of ... //www.nitorex.com/news/researchers-reveal-more-details-formation-of-faeces-203564-1.htm <![CDATA[婴儿粪便中的微塑料比成人多:研究]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/infants-have-more-microplastics-in-their-feces-than-adults-study-203456-1.htm Infants feces were found to have 10 times higher amounts of microplastic than adults, reveals a new study. bMicroplastics/b - tiny plastic pieces less than 5 mm in size - are everywhere, from indoor dust to food to bottled water. So it's not surprising that scientists have detected these particles in the feces of people and pets. Now, in a small pilot study, researchers reporting in ACS' Environmental Science (and) Technology Letters discovered that infants have higher amounts of one type of microplastic in their stool than adults.... //www.nitorex.com/news/infants-have-more-microplastics-in-their-feces-than-adults-study-203456-1.htm <![CDATA[母体粪便移植可降低1型糖尿病的风险] //www.nitorex.com/news/maternal-fecal-transplant-may-reduce-the-risk-for-type-1-diabetes-202355-1.htm Maternal fecal transplant may restore gut microorganisms among the newborns at risk for Type 1 diabetes that was caused as a result of antibiotics administration, states a study at the Rutgers University, published in the journal i Cell Host (and) Microbe. /i One of the most common autoimmune diseases in childhood is Type 1 diabetes. The trillions of b beneficial microorganisms - microbiome in and on our bodies are disturbed due to antibiotics. /b This poses a b risk for Type 1 diabetes among the newborns.... //www.nitorex.com/news/maternal-fecal-transplant-may-reduce-the-risk-for-type-1-diabetes-202355-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便微生物群移植有助于黑色素瘤患者]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-microbiota-transplants-help-melanoma-patients-199753-1.htm For advanced melanoma patients, adjusting the composition of gut microbiome through the use of stool, or fecal, transplants may help them respond to the immunotherapy drugs, suggested new study. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Center for Cancer Research, part of the National Institutes of Health, conducted the study in collaboration with investigators from UPMC Hillman Cancer Center at the University of Pittsburgh. In the study, some patients with advanced ... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-microbiota-transplants-help-melanoma-patients-199753-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便微生物群区分健康和食物过敏双胞胎]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-microbiomes-distinguish-healthy-and-food-allergic-twins-199466-1.htm Research done in the US on pairs of twins has identified fecal microbes to potentially play a key role in distinguishing between healthy and food allergic twins. This study was born out of previous research on fecal microbiota in infants. When fecal microbes were transplanted from healthy and food-allergic infants to germ-free mice, who don't possess a microbiota, the healthy infant microbiota was protective against the development of food allergies. The project was a collaboration between Cathryn Nagler and Kari Nadeau.... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-microbiomes-distinguish-healthy-and-food-allergic-twins-199466-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便微生物群移植有助于治疗免疫治疗耐药癌症]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-microbiota-transplant-helps-treat-cancer-resistant-to-immunotherapy-198967-1.htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list punch-points"liFecal microbiota transplant (FMT) is a process of transferring fecal bacteria and microbes from a healthy person into the gastrointestinal tract of the patient/liliIt is particularly useful in refractory melanoma patients who have become resistant to anti-PD-1 drugs/liliFMT along with re-induction of anti-PD-1 combination therapy is safe, effective, and feasible/li/ul Fecal microbiota transplant promoted the response in ... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-microbiota-transplant-helps-treat-cancer-resistant-to-immunotherapy-198967-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便移植有望治疗严重感染] //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplants-hold-potential-in-treating-serious-infections-198818-1.htm Genetic material analysis and machine learning helped UBC researchers to identify various vital factors to ensure successful FMT, which have proven successful in treating bacterial infections. like C. difficile, Crohn's Disease, Colitis and obesity. "This therapy is still in its infancy, but studies like ours are helping identify key contributors to its overall success," says Kazemian, a graduate student at UBC Okanagan's School of Engineering. Kazemian and her supervisor, Assistant Professor ... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplants-hold-potential-in-treating-serious-infections-198818-1.htm <![CDATA[括约肌损伤后大便失禁的风险]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-incontinence-risk-after-sphincter-injuries-198318-1.htm Among women with sphincter injury and consequent damage to the anal sphincter muscle the risk of fecal incontinence and intestinal gas leakage is higher, reported a new study from the University of Gothenburg. Most births in Sweden occur without complications for the mother and child. Mild perimeal tears are relatively common, but self-healing usually takes place. Alternatively, these tears can be sutured without lasting ill-effects. However, damage to the ring of muscles around the anus ... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-incontinence-risk-after-sphincter-injuries-198318-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便菌群移植的安全性和有效性报告发布]]> . //www.nitorex.com/news/report-on-safety-and-effectiveness-of-fecal-microbiota-transplantation-released-197867-1.htm The first results from the NIH-funded AGA Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) National Registry, the most extensive real-world study on FMT's safety and effectiveness, have been released by American Gastroenterological Association (AGA). FMT led to a cure of Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) infection in 90% of patients across 20 North American FMT practice sites, revealed findings published in i Gastroenterology. /i i "While the value of fecal microbiota transplantation for treating recurrent C.... //www.nitorex.com/news/report-on-safety-and-effectiveness-of-fecal-microbiota-transplantation-released-197867-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便微生物组胶囊限制体重增加]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/capsule-from-fecal-microbiome-limits-weight-gain-197128-1.htm Consuming frozen microbiome capsules derived from ones own feces, collected during the period of dieting may limit the weight re-gain. The new study is published iniGastroenterology/i. The study was conducted by a team of researchers led by researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU). In an unprecedented, 14-month clinical trial in Israel, Prof. Dr. Shai, BGU Ph.D. student Dr. Ehud Rinott and Dr. Ilan Youngster from Tel-Aviv University, collaborated with a group of international experts from U.... //www.nitorex.com/news/capsule-from-fecal-microbiome-limits-weight-gain-197128-1.htm <![CDATA[磁刺激控制大便失禁的粪便漏]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/magnetic-stimulation-controls-stool-leakage-in-fecal-incontinence-197095-1.htm The function of the muscles of the anus and rectum can be regulated by painless magnetic stimulation of the nerves that supply these organs. This process is called Translumbosacral neuromodulation therapy or TNT. This will help to improve outcome by reducing episodes of stool leakage in fecal incontinence that affects about 10% of the population. TNT, or translumbosacral neuromodulation therapy helps in strengthening key nerves and reducing or even eliminating episodes of stool leakage, Medical ... //www.nitorex.com/news/magnetic-stimulation-controls-stool-leakage-in-fecal-incontinence-197095-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便微生物移植有效,成本更低]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/faecal-microbial-transplantation-effective-less-costly-195785-1.htm Transplanted gut bacteria is a more effective, cost-efficient treatment option for treating patients with iclostridium difficile/i infection (CDI). CDI is an infection of the bowel, which commonly affects people who have recently been treated in hospital, those with underlying conditions and patients over 65. Almost 30 per cent of patients treated for the condition experience at least one recurrence. A recurrence of the condition, has been associated with a higher risk of mortality and is usually treated using antibiotics.... //www.nitorex.com/news/faecal-microbial-transplantation-effective-less-costly-195785-1.htm <![CDATA[COVID-19可能通过粪便传播]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/covid-19-may-spread-through-fecal-matter-194982-1.htm COVID-19 genetic material is found in fecal matter, but more work is needed to determine if the virus can be spread through stool. "Potential Fecal Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: Current Evidence and Implications for Public Health" will appear in an upcoming edition of the International Journal of Infectious Diseases and is available online. The paper reviewed an ever-changing body of literature on detection of the novel coronavirus in fecal matter of COVID-19 patients. "Most of the studies that ... //www.nitorex.com/news/covid-19-may-spread-through-fecal-matter-194982-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便移植可改善多药耐药菌患者的预后]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplantation-can-improve-outcomes-in-patients-with-multi-drug-resistant-organisms-194688-1.htm Fecal microbial transplantation (FMT) in patients with drug-resistant bacteria can reduce hospital stays and treat infections easier, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal iGIE: Gastrointestinal Endoscopy/i. The study's researchers conducted the transfer, known as fecal microbial transplantation or FMT, in 20 patients infected during extensive medical care with multi-drug resistant organisms, including carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (such ... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplantation-can-improve-outcomes-in-patients-with-multi-drug-resistant-organisms-194688-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便微生物群移植可以成功治疗艰难梭菌患者]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-microbiota-transplants-can-successfully-treat-patients-with-c-diff-193754-1.htm Fecal Microbiota Transplants (FMT) are highly successful in treating patients with Clostridioides difficile (C.diff) infection, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal iEClinicalMedicine/i. Results from the first licensed English stool bank, which supplies FMT treatment to patients in the NHS, have shown that in 78% of cases the patient's diarrhea had stopped and had not returned in the 90 days after treatment. Antibiotics can be effective in treating the first episode of C.... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-microbiota-transplants-can-successfully-treat-patients-with-c-diff-193754-1.htm <!粪便标志物可以帮助诊断慢性肠道疾病的早期迹象 //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-marker-can-help-diagnose-early-signs-of-chronic-gut-conditions-188580-1.htm Small molecules present in the fecal matter could provide clues to the early inflammation found in chronic gut conditions, like intestinal bowel disease (IBD), and serve as new biomarkers for diagnosis, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal iTheranostics/i. The researchers found that fecal miRNA, small nucleic acid sequences, could be used as a tool to assess the healthiness of gut microbiota, the microorganisms living in our gastrointestinal tract, and ... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-marker-can-help-diagnose-early-signs-of-chronic-gut-conditions-188580-1.htm <![CDATA[发现大便转移对难辨性腹泻儿童安全(和)有效]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/stool-transfer-found-safe-effective-in-kids-with-difficile-diarrhea-187851-1.htm Fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) or stool transfer found to be the safe and effective treatment option for children apart from adults for C.difficile diarrhea. This largest FMT study was published in the journal iClinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology/i. C. difficile disease is known to be associated with an altered intestinal microbiota, and the transplanted stool appears to restore a normal balance. Diarrheal disease from C. difficile on the rise among children. One population-based study found a 12.... //www.nitorex.com/news/stool-transfer-found-safe-effective-in-kids-with-difficile-diarrhea-187851-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便移植治疗耐药细菌]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplant-for-treating-antibiotic-resistant-bacteria-187544-1.htm Transplantation of microbiota into the large intestine or colon of a patient infected with Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) could be the best treatment option for people who are unable to be treated by C. diff targeted antibiotics, according to an article published in the iJournal of the American Osteopathic Association/i. C. diff is the most common healthcare-acquired infection in the United States. It affects nearly half a million patients each year and becomes a recurring infection for nearly a third of them.... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplant-for-treating-antibiotic-resistant-bacteria-187544-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便移植新认识]]> . //www.nitorex.com/news/new-insights-into-feces-transplantation-187450-1.htm New study analyzed the costs of feces transplantation compared to the alternative - which is treatment with antibiotics using products such as vancomycin and fidaxomicin. These are the perspectives of the first observational study in the world to detail how things went for the fifty patients who received a faeces transplantation for Clostridium difficile colitis in 2014 and 2015 as an alternative to the antibiotics that are otherwise regarded state-of-the-art. "Our study shows that on ... //www.nitorex.com/news/new-insights-into-feces-transplantation-187450-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便移植有助于减少一半自闭症症状]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplants-help-reduce-autism-symptoms-by-half-187288-1.htm bHighlights: /b ul class="group-list punch-points"liFecal transplants could treat autism symptoms in children /liliMicrobiota Transfer Therapy (MTT), a type of fecal transplant has been found effective in improving gut health and autism symptoms/liliLarger clinical trials will be required to make this an FDA-approved treatment/li/ul Fecal transplants can be used to treat children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Microbiota Transfer ... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplants-help-reduce-autism-symptoms-by-half-187288-1.htm <!粪便移植:丹麦的未来[CDATA //www.nitorex.com/news/feces-transplantation-its-future-in-denmark-185854-1.htm bHighlights: /b ul class="group-list punch-points"liFeces transplantation effective than antibiotics in treating iClostridium difficile/i infection (CDI) /liliFeces transplantations, currently performed as part of research projects may become commercialized /liliNew study recommends that Danish Tissue Banks should regulate feces transplantation in Denmark /li/ul Fecal transplant, the process involving transplantation of fecal bacteria ... //www.nitorex.com/news/feces-transplantation-its-future-in-denmark-185854-1.htm <!粪便移植可能有助于治疗阿尔茨海默氏症和癌症 //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplants-may-help-treat-alzheimers-and-cancer-185337-1.htm bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points"liFecal transplants could be used to treat intestinal disorders like inflammatory bowel disease /liliFecal transplants could potentially treat Alzheimer's and cancer too /liliNew research calls for focused fecal transplant trials /li/ul Fecal transplant or fecal bacteriotherapy is a process that involves the restoration of bacteria in the digestive tract by infusing the feces of a healthy donor. The bacteria ... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplants-may-help-treat-alzheimers-and-cancer-185337-1.htm <![CDATA[便便可解决常见肠道问题]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/toilet-stool-may-solve-common-bowel-problems-185024-1.htm New study reveals that using toilet stools can help make bowel movements faster and easier by placing the body into a squatting position. The findings of the study are published in the iJournal of Clinical Gastroenterology/i. Most people aren't eager to talk about how to improve bowel movements, but researchers at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center found the solution to common bowel issues may be as simple as boosting your feet on a stool. "These toilet stools became popular ... //www.nitorex.com/news/toilet-stool-may-solve-common-bowel-problems-185024-1.htm <![CDATA[与粪便污染相关的环境中的抗生素耐药性]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/antibiotic-resistance-in-the-environment-associated-with-fecal-pollution-184992-1.htm New study shows that fecal pollution can largely explain the rise in resistant bacteria frequently found in human-impacted environments. The findings of the study are published in the journal iNature Communications/i. Increased levels of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the environment may have different causes. It could be a consequence of on-site selection from antibiotic residues in the environment, hence promoting the evolution of new forms of resistance. Alternatively, it is simply due ... //www.nitorex.com/news/antibiotic-resistance-in-the-environment-associated-with-fecal-pollution-184992-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便移植可以保护早产儿免受致命肠道疾病]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplant-can-protect-premature-babies-from-fatal-bowel-disease-183835-1.htm Fecal transplant, a novel treatment can help protect premature babies from a fatal bowel disease called necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), reveals a new study. Each year 5-10 percent of all the children born in the world are born prematurely. At this stage, their organs and immune system are not mature, and the children are therefore highly susceptible to serious infections. One of the problems facing a lot of children born prematurely is the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract, which ... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplant-can-protect-premature-babies-from-fatal-bowel-disease-183835-1.htm <![CDATA[免疫治疗引起的严重结肠炎现在可以通过粪便移植治疗]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/severe-colitis-caused-by-immunotherapy-may-now-be-treated-by-fecal-transplant-183748-1.htm Gut microbiome manipulation through Fecal transplant method may treat severe colitis, caused by immunotherapy treatment, finds a new study. The findings of this study are published in the INature Medicine/I journal. For the first time, transplanting gut bacteria from healthy donors was used to successfully treat patients suffering from severe colitis caused by treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). The study from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, which includes ... //www.nitorex.com/news/severe-colitis-caused-by-immunotherapy-may-now-be-treated-by-fecal-transplant-183748-1.htm <![CDATA[“看不见的”便血可能表明死于各种原因的风险]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/invisible-stool-blood-could-indicate-risk-of-dying-from-all-causes-181085-1.htm bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points"liStool test that tests positive for 'invisible' or occult blood indicates a high risk of dying from bowel cancer, plus more importantly, all other causes, including, respiratory, blood, circulatory, hormone and neuropsychological digestive diseases/lili The positive test was strongly associated with all the conditions even after accounting for risk factors like age and gender/liliThe participants of a bowel cancer screening test ... //www.nitorex.com/news/invisible-stool-blood-could-indicate-risk-of-dying-from-all-causes-181085-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便微生物群移植增强认知和临床结果]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-microbiota-transplantation-enhances-cognitive-and-clinical-outcomes-178716-1.htm A single treatment using targeted form of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) can enhance clinical and cognitive outcomes, , according to the results of a long-term follow-up of patients with liver cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy (HE) who had participated in a short-term study. The original, randomized, open label study, which enrolled 20 outpatient men with cirrhosis and recurrent HE receiving standard-of-care (SOC) treatment, had previously reported that a single FMT enema after antibiotic ... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-microbiota-transplantation-enhances-cognitive-and-clinical-outcomes-178716-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便移植模型有助于预测哪种细菌会生长]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplantation-model-helps-predict-which-bacteria-will-grow-177138-1.htm A model of Fecal microorganism transplant (FMT) developed helps predict the determinants of bacterial engraftment in the human gut after FMT. FMT is a treatment strategy for illnesses like Clostridium difficile (C. diff) and some other infectious or autoimmune diseases affecting the gut. During FMT, stool from a healthy donor is transferred to a recipient. To be successful, donor bacteria must attach, or engraft, to the recipient's gut, but the forces influencing engraftment and growth have been largely unknown.... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplantation-model-helps-predict-which-bacteria-will-grow-177138-1.htm <![CDATA[办公室咖啡杯可能含有粪便细菌] //www.nitorex.com/news/coffee-mugs-in-office-may-contain-fecal-bacteria-173351-1.htm Coffee cups used from the office kitchen may not be as clean as you think. The sponge used to clean the cups contains bacteria that may make you fall sick. According to Dr Charles Gerba, a professor of environmental microbiology from the University of Arizona, bthe communal kitchen sponge that is rarely changed is a key culprit in the development of bacteria/b. The recent research has reported that baround 90 percent of communal coffee mugs are coated with germs/b. ul class = "group-list" li ... //www.nitorex.com/news/coffee-mugs-in-office-may-contain-fecal-bacteria-173351-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便中的四种细菌属可以预测自闭症风险]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/four-bacterial-genera-in-feces-could-predict-autism-risk-172460-1.htm A pathway of communication between certain gut bacteria and brain metabolites can influence human health, behavior, and certain neurological disorders, such as autism. But just how do they communicate with the brain? Results from a new University of Illinois study suggest the pathway and a potential mechanism to explain the characteristics of autism. "Changes in neurometabolites during infancy can have profound effects on brain development, and it is possible that the microbiome -- or collection ... //www.nitorex.com/news/four-bacterial-genera-in-feces-could-predict-autism-risk-172460-1.htm <![CDATA[对粪便微生物群移植等新疗法的需求日益增长]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/an-increasing-demand-for-new-therapies-such-as-fecal-microbiota-transplants-171436-1.htm The most frequent healthcare-linked infection in the United States is the intestinal infection with the bacterium Clostridium difficile. Each year it afflicts about half a million Americans, causes tens of thousands of deaths, and costs the nation's healthcare system an estimated (Dollor) 5 billion. Now researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania have found evidence that the most difficult C. difficile cases, known as multiple recurring C. difficile infections (mrCDI), are rapidly becoming more common.... //www.nitorex.com/news/an-increasing-demand-for-new-therapies-such-as-fecal-microbiota-transplants-171436-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便微生物移植治疗肝功能衰竭的认知障碍]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/cognitive-impairment-in-liver-failure-treated-with-fecal-microbiota-transplant-169476-1.htm bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points"liDecline in mental function (hepatic encephalopathy HE) occurs with advanced liver disease which is associated with poor quality of life and increased mortality/liliStandard treatment involves giving lactulose and rifaximin which target the gut microbiota./liliCurrent study shows fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) may be better in improving the deterioration in mental function associated with HE than standard therapy/li/ul a href="http:www.... //www.nitorex.com/news/cognitive-impairment-in-liver-failure-treated-with-fecal-microbiota-transplant-169476-1.htm <!自闭症的治疗可能在于粪便微生物移植]> //www.nitorex.com/news/autism-therapy-could-lie-in-fecal-microbial-transplant-167216-1.htm bHighlights/bul class="group-list punch-points"liA research team from bArizona State University/b has found that autism symptoms could be improved by fecal microbial transplant./liliThe study was found to be effective in increasing the number of good bacteria, especially biPrevotella/i/b, which is normally found to be low in children with autism./liliThere was an 80% improvement in gastrointestinal symptoms and up to 25% improvement in social skills and sleep./li/ula href="http:www.... //www.nitorex.com/news/autism-therapy-could-lie-in-fecal-microbial-transplant-167216-1.htm <![比较粪便移植与现有的艰难梭菌护理标准]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/comparing-fecal-transplant-to-the-existing-standard-of-care-for-clostridium-difficile-166737-1.htm iClostridium difficile/i (iC. diff/i) is a bacterium that causes mild to severe diarrhea and other intestinal symptoms. It is the most frequent cause of infectious diarrhea in hospitals and long-term care facilities in Canada. One in four patients with iC. diff/i infection go on to have repeated episodes of infection that can be challenging to cure. Most cases of iC. diff/i infection occur in patients who are taking antibiotics. Antibiotics can destroy a person's normal bacteria found in the gut, allowing iC.... //www.nitorex.com/news/comparing-fecal-transplant-to-the-existing-standard-of-care-for-clostridium-difficile-166737-1.htm <!母亲被控往儿子静脉注射袋中注射粪便 //www.nitorex.com/news/mother-accused-of-injecting-feces-into-her-sons-iv-bag-165732-1.htm An Indiana mother is accused of injecting fecal matter into her 15-year-old son's IV bag while he was undergoing cancer treatments at Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis. Tiffany Alberts, 41, allegedly said she did it because she'd hoped it would result in her 15-year-old son being moved to a different hospital unit that offered better treatment. Instead, the boy became gravely ill, suffered from episodes of septic shock and required surgery. The illness ultimately delayed his cancer ... //www.nitorex.com/news/mother-accused-of-injecting-feces-into-her-sons-iv-bag-165732-1.htm <![CDATA[与粪便中细菌有关的内脏脂肪]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/visceral-fat-linked-to-bacteria-in-feces-163782-1.htm The make-up of the bacteria found in human feces may influence levels of visceral fat that covers the organs in our body. Researchers from King's College London in their analysis of stool samples in a study of more than 3,600 twins found evidence that some of these bacteria is inherited. What is contained in feces bacteria could therefore partly explain why obesity passes down through families. The research team extracted information from study participants about the human fecal microbiome ... //www.nitorex.com/news/visceral-fat-linked-to-bacteria-in-feces-163782-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便菌群移植治疗艰难梭菌感染]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-microbiota-transplant-for-treating-clostridium-difficile-infection-163735-1.htm iClostridium difficile/i, or iC. diff/i, is a common bacterium that can take advantage of an imbalance of intestinal microbiota, most commonly triggered by antibiotic use. The imbalance leads to iC. diff/i overgrowth and infection, which can lead to multiple complications. With the increased use of antibiotics, iC. diff/i infection (CDI) has reached epidemic proportions in the United States and other regions around the world. Unfortunately, infection recurs in up to 30% of patients.... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-microbiota-transplant-for-treating-clostridium-difficile-infection-163735-1.htm <![CDATA[猫粪便中的寄生虫有望对抗卵巢癌]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/parasite-in-cat-feces-shows-promise-in-fighting-ovarian-cancer-162055-1.htm ul class="group-list punch-points"liA promising new way to fight cancer found in cat feces./liliToxoplasma gondii earlier found in infected meat was considered a risk for unborn children and the immunocompromised people. /liliThe protein from this parasite is found to induce an immune response against ovarian cancer in mice./li/ul Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite that can affect the unborn fetus and also lead to flu-like illness or a href="http:www.medindia.... //www.nitorex.com/news/parasite-in-cat-feces-shows-promise-in-fighting-ovarian-cancer-162055-1.htm <![CDATA[水体粪便污染对游泳者构成威胁]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-contamination-of-waters-is-a-threat-to-swimmers-161337-1.htm Sickness caused by bacteria or viruses in pools, lakes, rivers and other places people like to swim or play in hot weather is called as recreational water illness. The way these illnesses are often spread comes down to fecal contamination in the water. Even this weekend, those vacationing along the Florida panhandle are being warned by the Florida Department of Public Health to avoid swimming in several popular beach areas in Okaloosa County and Walton County due to the fecal bacteria enterococci.... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-contamination-of-waters-is-a-threat-to-swimmers-161337-1.htm <!溃疡性结肠炎可通过粪便移植治疗 //www.nitorex.com/news/ulcerative-colitis-may-be-treated-using-fecal-transplants-160193-1.htm Clostridium difficile infection is currently treated using Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) and the same may apply for treating ulcerative colitis, (UC) according to a study being presented at Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2016.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are approximately 200 cases of UC for every 100,000 adults. UC is a chronic condition with no known cure. It causes inflammation and ulcers in the lining of the colon, which can lead to rectal bleeding, diarrhea and abdominal discomfort.... //www.nitorex.com/news/ulcerative-colitis-may-be-treated-using-fecal-transplants-160193-1.htm <![CDATA[肛交与大便失禁风险增加有关]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/anal-intercourse-linked-to-increased-risk-of-fecal-incontinence-157699-1.htm Engaging in the practice of anal intercourse may increase risks for bowel problems, including fecal incontinence and bowel leakage, revealed a new study by University of Alabama. The findings are published in the iAmerican Journal of Gastroenterology/i. "The incontinence risk is heightened particularly among men who have intercourse with men," said lead author Alayne Markland, associate professor in the Division of Gerontology, Geriatrics and Palliative Care in UAB's School of Medicine.... //www.nitorex.com/news/anal-intercourse-linked-to-increased-risk-of-fecal-incontinence-157699-1.htm <!吃冻干粪丸能减肥吗?]] > //www.nitorex.com/news/can-popping-freeze-dried-fecal-pills-combat-obesity-156911-1.htm Can altering a person's gut microbes influence their body weight? A team of researchers are planning to conduct a trial by using fecal transplants on obese people to check if it can reduce their body weight.Dr. Elaine Yu and her colleagues from Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston have come with a new technique of using pills filled with freeze-dried fecal matter. The fecal matter are taken from healthy individual's and they are given for obese people in the form of capsules. This pill dissolves ... //www.nitorex.com/news/can-popping-freeze-dried-fecal-pills-combat-obesity-156911-1.htm <!阿拉斯加原住民粪便DNA检测使大肠癌筛查更容易]> //www.nitorex.com/news/colorectal-cancer-screening-made-easier-with-stool-dna-testing-in-alaska-native-people-155080-1.htm The new Stool DNA testing approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for colorectal cancer may offer a workable and effective screening method for the Alaska Native population, revealed researchers from the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and Mayo Clinic.The remote residence of many Alaska Native people in sparsely distributed communities across vast roadless regions creates a barrier to screening with conventional tools, such as a colonoscopy. Alsaka population has one of world's highest rates of colorectal cancer.... //www.nitorex.com/news/colorectal-cancer-screening-made-easier-with-stool-dna-testing-in-alaska-native-people-155080-1.htm <![CDATA[粪便移植治疗艰难梭菌需要监测]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplants-to-treat-c-difficile-needs-monitoring-154765-1.htm In order to provide sensible advice to patients, the increasing use of fecal transplants to treat Clostridium difficile bacterial infection urgently needs proper screening of donors, good long-term trials and monitoring. While "it is clearly better than further antibiotics for treating conditions like C difficile", claims that fecal transplantation could be a cure-all for many diseases "are probably too optimistic", the general medicine journal iBMJ/i reported on Tuesday. It cited ... //www.nitorex.com/news/fecal-transplants-to-treat-c-difficile-needs-monitoring-154765-1.htm