最新腹部胀气和丰满-症状评估新闻 //www.nitorex.com/healthnews/abdomen-bloating-and-fullness-news.asp 列出所有关于腹部胀气和饱腹的最新消息-症状评估从Medindia。 en - us 2022年版权。版权所有。 2022年12月24日星期六08:16:53 <!牛奶可能是乳糖不耐症患者的更好选择 //www.nitorex.com/news/a2-milk-could-be-a-better-option-for-people-with-lactose-intolerance-173999-1.htm bHighlights:/b ul class = "group-list punch-points" liA2 milk could be as effective as lactose-free milk in preventing or reducing some symptoms of lactose intolerance /li li It prevents some symptoms of dairy intolerance even though it contains the same amount of lactose as conventional milk /li li More than 70 adults are lactose intolerant and experience bloating, nausea, and other unpleasant symptoms /li/ul A2 milk may prevent or ease some of the symptoms ... //www.nitorex.com/news/a2-milk-could-be-a-better-option-for-people-with-lactose-intolerance-173999-1.htm <![CDATA[声称生牛奶可以减少乳糖不耐症的研究未能实现]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/claim-that-raw-milk-reduces-lactose-intolerance-fails-to-materialize-in-study-133048-1.htm There is little difference in digestibility between raw milk and pasteurized milk, a pilot study from the Stanford University School of Medicine shows. The study was small - it involved 16 participants - but the lead investigator said the results were highly consistent among all the participants and deflate some of the claims surrounding raw, or unpasteurized, milk. "It's not that there was a trend toward a benefit from raw milk and our study wasn't big enough to capture it; it's that there ... //www.nitorex.com/news/claim-that-raw-milk-reduces-lactose-intolerance-fails-to-materialize-in-study-133048-1.htm <![CDATA[栓塞治疗减轻女性下腹痛]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/embolization-reduces-lower-abdominal-pain-in-women-131099-1.htm Belly pain or chronic pelvic is which is present for six months or more is a common problem among women and is associated with ovarian vein varicosities (dilation) termed as pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS). Most women who suffer from this are young and multi-parous, or having more than one baby. They would be suffering from a dull, aching lower abdominal pain, exacerbated long periods of sitting or standing. It can be accompanied by feeling of fullness in the legs. Intensity of the pain can vary during phases of the menstrual cycle.... //www.nitorex.com/news/embolization-reduces-lower-abdominal-pain-in-women-131099-1.htm <![CDATA[防胀气高科技内裤即将问世]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/flatulence-proof-hi-tech-underpants-coming-soon-126812-1.htm The same technology used in the gear to protect soldiers from the effects of poisonous gases has been employed by a UK company to develop flatulence proof hi-tech underpants. Shreddies Ltd. have come out with flatulence-proof underwear that can dispel those awful smells away. It uses the same technology that is employed in chemical warfare suits which gets 'reactivated' every time the garments are washed. A spokesperson for the company told a leading daily, "Although Shreddies has got ... //www.nitorex.com/news/flatulence-proof-hi-tech-underpants-coming-soon-126812-1.htm <![CDATA[儿童腹痛急诊疼痛管理中存在种族和民族差异:研究]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/in-er-pain-management-for-children-with-abdominal-pain-racial-and-ethnic-disparities-exist-study-125866-1.htm Race- and ethnicity-based disparities in pain management and length of stay among children who came to hospital emergency departments for treatment of abdominal pain were found by pediatric researchers. A study team reported on their analysis of a national database of hospital visits in the October issue of iPediatrics/i. Overall, black, Hispanic and "other" race children were less likely to receive analgesics than white children. After adjusting for confounders, black patients were less ... //www.nitorex.com/news/in-er-pain-management-for-children-with-abdominal-pain-racial-and-ethnic-disparities-exist-study-125866-1.htm <!卫生部称呕吐和腹痛是铁和叶酸补充剂的副作用所致 //www.nitorex.com/news/health-ministry-says-vomiting-and-abdominal-pain-caused-due-to-side-effects-of-iron-and-folic-acid-supplements-122576-1.htm Following concerns over its iron and folic acid supplements program after some people started to complain of vomiting, abdominal pain and general discomfort, the Indian government reassured the public that these are caused due to side effects of the tablets and there should be no cause for worry. The iron and folic acid supplementation programme has been underway in some states from last year. It was introduced in the national capital last week. Around 200 children in Delhi, it was reported, had severe stomach ache and vomiting.... //www.nitorex.com/news/health-ministry-says-vomiting-and-abdominal-pain-caused-due-to-side-effects-of-iron-and-folic-acid-supplements-122576-1.htm <![CDATA[合理饮食和适当锻炼可以控制肠胃胀气]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/flatulence-eat-smart-exercise-and-youll-be-okay-119494-1.htm Flatulence is embarrassing for the sufferers even though films like "Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam" and "3 Idiots" made us see the funny side of it. It's abdominal bloating, also known as "breaking wind", "passing wind" or err, "farting". A problem that most experience and few talk about openly. Caused by reasons such as overeating, consumption of difficult to digest foods like milk and rajma and other health problems, the audible discharge of intestinal gas is annoying to say the least. According ... //www.nitorex.com/news/flatulence-eat-smart-exercise-and-youll-be-okay-119494-1.htm <!肠胃胀气有助治疗高血压]> //www.nitorex.com/news/flatulence-could-help-treat-high-blood-pressure-103556-1.htm Flatulence may help treat patients with high blood pressure, say researchers. Hydrogen sulphide - a toxic gas that is generated by bacteria living in the human gut - has been shown to control blood pressure in mice. The study showed that the rodents with higher levels of the gas had lower blood pressure than those with less. Boffins at Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, Maryland, US, found that hydrogen sulphide in flatus - informally known as a fart - is also produced by an ... //www.nitorex.com/news/flatulence-could-help-treat-high-blood-pressure-103556-1.htm <![CDATA[恐龙的肠胃胀气可能会导致死亡]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/dinos-flatulence-could-have-lent-to-their-end-101313-1.htm Dinosaurs may have to admit to a fair share of accusation for changes in climate because they created excessive flatulence, claim leading scientists. Graeme Ruxton from St Andrews University, Scotland, said the giant animals spent 150 years emitting the potent global warming gas, methane. Large plant-eating sauropods would have been the main culprits because of the huge amounts of greenery they consumed. The team calculated the animals would have collectively produced more than 520m ... //www.nitorex.com/news/dinos-flatulence-could-have-lent-to-their-end-101313-1.htm <![CDATA[吸收肠胃气胀的毛毯广告在YouTube上大受欢迎]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/ad-of-blanket-that-absorbs-flatulence-becomes-massive-hit-on-youtube-68699-1.htm It is the sign of times that an ad of a blanket that has the ability to absorb flatulence has become a viral hit on YouTube. According to the ad, the Better Marriage Blanket is equipped with activated carbon fabric that has the ability to quickly absorb the odour of flatulence. The ad has been viewed more than one million times since March 31, 2010. It is a "real solution to a very real problem", says the ad. It is believed that a Denver science teacher named Francis Bibbo has designed the blanket.... //www.nitorex.com/news/ad-of-blanket-that-absorbs-flatulence-becomes-massive-hit-on-youtube-68699-1.htm <![CDATA[儿童虐待受害者更容易出现恶心和原因不明的腹痛]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/nausea-and-unexplained-abdominal-pain-more-likely-in-victims-of-child-abuse-66159-1.htm Children who have been abused psychologically, physically or sexually are at an increased risk of suffering unexplained abdominal pain and nausea or vomiting than kids who have not been abused, a new study concludes. The study was led by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill researchers. "Therefore, when young patients complain about unexplained gastrointestinal symptoms, their doctors should ask questions to determine if they might have been abused," said Miranda van Tilburg, Ph.... //www.nitorex.com/news/nausea-and-unexplained-abdominal-pain-more-likely-in-victims-of-child-abuse-66159-1.htm <![CDATA[专家称乳糖不耐受被误解]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/experts-say-lactose-intolerance-is-misunderstood-65607-1.htm Lactose intolerant individuals often avoid milk and dairy products, thereby depriving themselves of calcium, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients. However, eliminating these nutrient-rich foods may not only be unnecessary to manage the condition - it could impact diet and health, concludes a panel of experts assembled by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NIH Consensus Development Conference on Lactose Intolerance and Health was convened to examine the latest research on lactose ... //www.nitorex.com/news/experts-say-lactose-intolerance-is-misunderstood-65607-1.htm <![CDATA[想象有助于儿童腹痛]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/childrens-abdominal-pain-helped-by-imagination-59381-1.htm Audio recordings of guided imagery along with standard medical treatment is three times more likely to reduce persistent abdominal pain in children, a new study has revealed. And those benefits were consistent for six months after treatment had ended. "What is especially exciting about our study is that children can clearly reduce their abdominal pain a lot on their own with guidance from audio recordings, and they get much better results that way than from medical care alone," ... //www.nitorex.com/news/childrens-abdominal-pain-helped-by-imagination-59381-1.htm <![CDATA[便秘是儿童腹痛的最常见原因]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/constipation-is-the-most-common-cause-of-abdominal-pain-in-kids-30805-1.htm A new study by University of Iowa researchers has shown that the most common cause of abdominal pain among children is acute and chronic constipation. The study also recommended that doctors should do a simple rectal examination for constipation when trying to find out the cause of abdominal pain in kids. The findings, which were based on medical records of 962 children ages 4 to nearly 18, showed that constipation together accounted for nearly half of all cases of acute abdominal pain in children treated at one hospital.... //www.nitorex.com/news/constipation-is-the-most-common-cause-of-abdominal-pain-in-kids-30805-1.htm <![CDATA[不含导致肠胃胀气化合物的豆类将很快上市]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/view_news_main.asp?x=9786 Researchers from the Simon Bolivar University in Caracas found that Lactobacillus casei (L casei), when fermented along with the beans reduced its flatulence capacity and increased the nutritional value. Beans are a cheap and key source of nutrition especially in the developing countries. Marisela Granito led the Venezuelan team to analyze the method of creating flatulence-free beans but not compromising on the nutritional value. The research appears in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.... //www.nitorex.com/news/view_news_main.asp?x=9786