健康新闻最新食用花卉 // 列出了所有关于食用花卉健康的最新消息。 en - us 2023年版权。版权所有。 2023年2月8日星期三14:02:44 GMT <![CDATA[常见花卉有望成为有益的致幻药物] // A symbiotic relationship between fungus and many species of morning glories contains elements of powerful psychedelic drugs, according to a new Tulane University study published in the journal iCommunications Biology/i. bPsychedelic drugs, also known as hallucinogenic drugs, are a group of substances that are usually used to change and enhance sensory perceptions, thought processes, and energy levels, and to facilitate spiritual experiences/b. The seeds of the common tropical vine, whose ... // <![CDATA[藏红花对孕妇的六种好处]]> // Saffron provides various health benefits and is especially beneficial for women during the nine months of pregnancy. Read on to know more about the benefits of saffrom. No matter whether its your first time, second, or third pregnancy, it's one of the most cherished times in a woman's life. Its an emotion that cannot be described in words. Motherhood is undeniably a life-changing experience but it comes with great responsibility too. When you find out your pregnant, the first thing ... // <![CDATA[葵花籽有助于减轻疼痛]]> // Sunflower seeds could help treat pain and reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, abdominal area and/or internal organs. The study led by Christian Gruber from MedUni Vienna's Institute of Pharmacology (Center for Physiology and Pharmacology), was conducted jointly with the University of Queensland and Flinders University in Australia. The goal of the study is to find an alternative to commonly used synthetic opioids. Gruber explains the background: "Morphine was one of the first ... // <![CDATA[在COVID-19居家令期间失眠的网络搜索量上升]]> // Significant rise in the number of online search queries for "insomnia" is noticed when governments across the U.S. and around the globe implemented stay-at-home orders in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The findings of the study are published in the iJournal of Clinical Sleep Medicine/i. While searches for insomnia trended downward from January through March 2020, consistent with prior years, they surged upward in April and May 2020. This increase also was associated with the cumulative ... // <![CDATA[玫瑰香味有助于睡眠学习]]> // Rose fragrance was found to improve learning during sleep, said researchers at the University of Freiburg - Medical Center, the Freiburg Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health (IGPP) and the Faculty of Biology at the University of Freiburg. The findings of the study were published in the Nature Group's Open Access journal Scientific Reports. For the study, first author and student teacher Franziska Neumann conducted several experiments with 54 students from two 6th grade classes of a school in southern Germany.... // <![CDATA[可穿戴pH值表:你的汗水可以告诉你很多关于你的健康]]> // Newly developed sweat pH monitor can tell you whether you are dehydrated, low on sugar, or at risk of skin infection in real-time, reports a new study. Sweat, which contains a wide range of biochemical markers, can tell us a lot about our health. Variations in sweat pH (i.e. acidity or alkalinity), for instance, can tell us whether our body is dehydrated and can aid the diagnosis of skin conditions such as dermatitis, acne and other skin infections. In diabetic patients, sweat pH may serve ... // <![CDATA[热带花卉为胰腺癌治疗带来希望]]> // Three new drug-like molecules inspired by a chemical Grandifloracin found in the tropical plant Uvaria grandiflora could help to treat deadly pancreatic cancer, said University of Bath researchers. Their study, which was done in collaboration with Professor Suresh Awale from the University of Toyama, Japan, shows that all three molecules kill pancreatic cancer cells in a petri dish. Two of these killed the cells more effectively than the original Grandifloracin molecule. Since pancreatic ... // <![大麻花作为一种有效的中度镇痛药物]]> // Cannabis decreases pain, with the average user experiencing a three-point drop of pain on a 0-10 point scale, according to the team of researchers at the University of New Mexico (UNM). Chronic pain afflicts more than 20 percent of adults and is the most financially burdensome health condition that the U.S faces; exceeding, for example, the combined costs of treating heart disease and cancer. "Our country has been flooded with an over-prescription of opioids medications, which then often leads ... // <![CDATA[使用振动的微型蚂蚁大小的机器人有很多潜在的应用]]> // New technology fabricated robots, the size of the world's smallest ant, that are powered by vibration from ultrasound sources or even speakers. About 2 mm in length, they move a distance four times that of their length in a second. In the future, the technology will be a meeting point of multiple disciplines such as mechanics, electronics, biology, and physics. The technology promises a lot of potential benefits such as to sense environmental changes, move materials, and in future make human injury remedy.... // <![CDATA[久坐的上班族只需要锻炼20分钟:学习]]> // Office workers who spend most of their day sitting can counteract their sedentary lifestyle by exercising just 20 minutes per day, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the iJournal of the American College of Cardiology/i. The University of Sydney-led collaboration with the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Norwegian Institute of Public Health and the UK's Loughborough University examined the health consequences associated with sitting, reports Xinhua news agency.... // <![CDATA[自闭症儿童面临大量虐待:研究]]> // Autistic children are facing a lot of ill-treatment finds a new study. In the study, it was found that they were 2.5 times more likely to be reported to the Child Abuse Hotline by the age of 8. The results of this study are published in the journal of IAutism/I. A recent study by Vanderbilt researchers of 11 counties in Middle Tennessee revealed that children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were nearly 2.5 times more likely than children without ASD to be reported to the Child Abuse Hotline by the age of 8.... // <![CDATA[心力衰竭患者的生存数据没有显示出很大的改善]]> // Survival among heart failure patients has had only modest improvement since 2000 finds a new study. The results of this new study are published in the IBMJ/I journal. Survival after a diagnosis of heart failure in the United Kingdom has shown only modest improvement in the 21st century and lags behind other serious conditions, such as cancer, finds a large study published by The BMJ today. The findings also show that survival is worse for people requiring admission to the hospital around ... // <![CDATA[玫瑰果的潜在健康益处]]> . // New study identifies the traditional uses, phytochemical properties and pharmacological profile of rose hip and spotlights the amazing health benefits of rose hip. The genus iRosa/i from family Rosaceae is one of the most widespread species from the family. One species, rose hip (rose haw), is known as a good source of different types of micronutrients and phytochemicals such as phenolic acids, tannins, and flavonoids. It is known as a traditional treatment in folk medicine. It has been used ... // <!青少年应对压力的方式可以揭示他们未来的身体状况> // The way that teenagers deal with stress can a tell a lot about their blood pressure, immune system status in the future finds a new study. Most teens get stressed out by their families from time to time, but whether they bottle those emotions up or put a positive spin on things may affect certain processes in the body, including blood pressure and how immune cells respond to bacterial invaders, according to Penn State researchers. The researchers explored whether the strategies adolescents ... // <!玫瑰天竺葵油可能有助于缓解常见的鼻痛症状 // New anecdotal data reveals that use of rose geranium oil may treat nasal vestibulitis in cancer patients, which affects the lining of the nostrils causing them to bleed excessively, and form scabs. The findings of the study are published in the journal iBMJ Supportive (and) Palliative Care/i. But larger-scale research would be needed to see whether the oil could become a viable treatment option, caution the authors. Nasal vestibulitis is a side effect of cancer drug treatment and is particularly ... // <![人工抗氧化剂可能比维生素E强100倍] // Artificial anti-oxidant TEMPO is up to 100 times more effective than vitamin E, reports a new study. Naturally-derived anti-oxidants have become the 'it' health ingredient to look for in food. But researchers from UBC Okanagan and the University of Bologna have discovered that TEMPO--a well-known artificial anti-oxidant--is up to 100 times more powerful than nature's best and could help counteract everything from skin damage to Alzheimer's Disease. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules ... // <![CDATA[经常吵架的夫妻有患病风险]]> // Married people who fight a lot are more likely to suffer from leaky guts that can lead to inflammation-related diseases, reveals a new study. It's the bfirst study/b to illuminate this particular pathway between bad marriages and poor health, said lead author Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, director of the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. The study appears in the journal iPsychoneuroendocrinology./i "We think that this everyday marital ... // <![CDATA[合法使用大麻的州成年人使用大麻人数上升]]> // Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug. Daily use of marijuana as well as past month rates rose for both men and women aged 26 and older in states with medical marijuana laws in effect. This is according to researchers at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. Marijuana use among those younger than 26 years old was generally unaffected by changes in the law. The results of the study are published online in Prevention Science. In states with medical marijuana laws, ... // <![葵花籽有惊人的健康功效]> // Sunflower seeds are the gift of the beautiful sunflower that has rays of petals emanating from its bright yellow, seed-studded center. Sunflowers seeds offer amazing health benefits because of their nutritional value. The seeds have essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals which are vital for our body and hence it is important to add these variants in some form or the other, say experts. Mehar Rajput, Dietician at fitpass and Sukhmani Bedi, Co-Founder of Better Butter share tips to use ... // <![CDATA[安大略省很多人正在接受阿片类药物成瘾的治疗]]> // Opioids are drugs that act on the nervous system to relieve pain. Continued use and abuse can lead to physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms. In Ontario, the rate at which people are being prescribed opioids to treat pain has stabilized while the amount of drugs they receive has declined considerably, a new report has found. However, nearly 40 percent of long-acting opioids prescribed to people already using opioids to treat pain still had daily doses that exceeded new national guidelines.... // <![CDATA[大量护士面临生殖健康和慢性疾病风险]]> // Not all jobs are created equal. Nurses have to endure a lot of sacrifices to be in that profession. It's worst for those who are on a floating schedule. A prospective study of more than 20,000 nurses aged 20-45 years, 88% of whom had worked night shifts, reported their most common health issues, disease history, reproductive experiences, occupational exposures, and other lifestyle- and work-related factors. The study, which included 13% of all active Korean female nurses, is published in Journal ... // <![CDATA[寨卡病毒很像其他热带病]]> // Zika is spread mostly by the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito (Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus). These mosquitoes bite during the day and night. There is no vaccine or medicine for Zika. In most ways, Zika is a lot like other tropical fevers. People become infected when they are bitten by mosquitos. Infected mothers pass the virus to their unborn children. But unlike other mosquito-borne outbreaks, Zika doubles as a sexually transmitted infection, passing from person to person in bodily fluids.... // <![CDATA[在退伍军人健康管理系统中,睾酮处方差异很大]]> // A significant rise in prescriptions for testosterone in older males has been observed. Providers in the Veterans Health Administration (VA) system vary in their testosterone prescribing practices. This is according to a study published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology (and) Metabolism. This is the first study to examine provider and site predictors of testosterone prescribing in the VA. There has been a large increase in testosterone prescribing in the United States ... // <![CDATA[摘除卵巢会导致很多疾病]]> // The removal of an ovary together with the Fallopian tube is called salpingo-oophorectomy or unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Women who suffered adverse childhood experiences or abuse as an adult are 62 percent more likely to have their ovaries removed before age 46, claim Mayo Clinic researchers. These removals are for reasons other than the presence of ovarian cancer or a high genetic risk of developing cancer, says the new study published today in BMJ Open. In previous studies examining ... // <![CDATA[气温上升,夏季感染增多]]> // Summertime infections are more common than you might think, and the summer season holds risks of viral, bacterial and parasitic infections. With temperatures soaring in the Indian national capital, doctors have cautioned people, especially those living in slum areas, to guard their children against diseases like mumps and typhoid which occur during the season. According to the doctors, recent medical check-up camps in Delhi slums have found that contagious diseases, such as mumps, typhoid ... // <![CDATA[葵花籽有可能导致活癌]]> // A team of scientists have shown that sunflower seeds are frequently contaminated with a toxin which has the potential to cause live cancer. In the study published in the journal PLoS ONE, the team of scientists documented frequent occurrence of aflatoxin -- a toxin produced by Aspergillus molds that commonly infect corn, peanuts, pistachios and almonds -- in sunflower seeds and their products. The study was conducted in Tanzania, but the problem is by no means isolated there, the researchers said.... // <!很多印度年轻人都患有生活方式疾病 // One in three or 33 percent of Indians over 30 years of age are suffering from one or more lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, blood pressure, thyroid and cancer, reveals a report. GOQii -- a California-based virtual fitness coaching platform -- in its 'GOQii India Fit' 2017 report showed that nearly 9.4 percent people are suffering from high cholesterol followed by 7.7 percent suffering from diabetes and 6.76 per cent suffering from thyroid. "Over the years, there has ... // <![CDATA[老年肺癌患者面临很大的治疗负担]]> // Yale researchers found that depending on the type of treatment older lung cancer patients receive, they can spend an average of one in three days interacting with the healthcare system in the first 60 days after surgery or radiation therapy. The findings are published in current issue of Journal of Oncology Practice. "To our knowledge, this is the first study to characterize treatment burden for early-stage lung cancer patients in terms of touches with the healthcare system, including emergency ... // <![CDATA[阳光对心理健康很重要]> // Sunshine matters a lot in our life. The idea isn't exactly new, but according to a BYU study, when it comes to your mental and emotional health, the amount of time between sunrise and sunset is the weather variable that matters most. Your day might be filled with irritatingly hot temperatures, thick air pollution and maybe even pockets of rainclouds, but that won't necessarily get you down. If you're able to soak up enough sun, your level of emotional distress should remain stable. Take away sun time, though, and your distress can spike.... // <!癌症患者术后需要大量关爱> // Cancer can wreck a person's body but a new research says that such patients may also experience loss of emotional support, thereby increasing their risk of suffering from depression and anxiety. Many bowel cancer patients are experiencing a lack of affection, emotional and practical support after surgery, and these patients lacking emotional support are three times more likely to experience clinical depression, according to the study by the University of Southampton and Macmillan Cancer Support, a Britain-based charity.... // <![CDATA[母乳喂养对您和您的宝宝有很多好处]]> // Every new mom knows that she is giving her newborn baby the best start in life by breastfeeding and not a day goes by without more evidence. According to Dr Avinash Lakkampally, MD, pediatrician registered on Buzz4health, "Breastfeeding is the best medicine a mother can give her children during the first six months of their growth." "Breast milk is packed with disease-fighting minerals and loaded with nutrients that are required to protect the baby from an illness. A mother is able to pass ... // <!巴西试图用花的力量对抗携带寨卡病毒的蚊子 // The Zika virus is spread primarily through infected Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. With global attention focused on the Aedes aegypti mosquito, researchers in Brazil are pursuing a way to battle the insect with flower power. The project, led by Mario Alberto Cardoso da Silva Neto, a professor at Rio de Janeiro Federal University, centers on the idea of injecting plants with a bacteria that would alter the mosquito's genome to eliminate its thirst for blood, EFE news agency reported. "We hope ... // <!心跳不正常可以告诉你很多关于你健康的信息 // Minor irregularities in the heartbeat are indicative of a healthy body, researchers said at the Technical University of Munich. They have developed a new method of correlating heartbeat with life expectancy. While in the majority of earlier studies the full breathing cycle was correlated to the heart rate, the team now focused on exhaling and specifically on the moment when the heart rate would normally be reduced again. "With our approach, you might say we are surgically selecting the moment ... // <!自1998年以来,印度男性吸烟者人数增加了36% // The number of men smoking tobacco in India rose by more than one-third to 108 million between 1998 and 2015, suggests a study conducted at University of Toronto. The study also found that cigarettes were replacing the traditional bidi, a small, inexpensive Indian cigarette, possibly due to substantially higher income in India and population growth. By 2015 there were roughly equal numbers of men ages 15-69 years smoking cigarettes or bidis: approximately 61 million Indian adult men smoked cigarettes ... // <![CDATA[联邦预算削减前州医疗预算增长21%]]> // An IndiaSpend analysis of government data revealed that state health budgets taken together had risen to 21 percent the previous year, before the 15 percent 'cut' in central funding of national health programs in the union health budget of 2015-16. However, this increase is not uniform across states, indicating that states especially smaller ones unable to raise enough money are spending less on health and education. Exactly how many states spent to compensate for central spending cutbacks over ... // <![CDATA[蝙蝠揭示了人类如何集中注意力]]> // You can't hear a thing clearly when you're at a crowded party, noisy with multiple conversations, music and clinking glasses. But when someone behind you says your name, you hear it and quickly turn in that direction. The same sort of thing happens with bats, leading Johns Hopkins University researchers to discover how a bat's brain determines what's worth paying attention to. The findings, which have implications across animal systems, were this month published online by the iProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences/i.... // <![CDATA[20世纪全球海平面上升最快的3000年]]> // Global sea level rose faster in the 20th century than in any of the 27 previous centuries driven by man-made climate change, new research has found. Without global warming, global sea level would have risen by less than half the observed 20th century increase and might even have fallen, the study said. Instead, global sea level rose by about 14 centimetres from 1900 to 2000 - a substantial increase, especially for vulnerable, low-lying coastal areas. "The 20th-century rise was extraordinary ... // <![CDATA[NASA:第一朵花在外太空开放,宇航员推特照片]]> // The astronauts at International Space Station (ISS) have witnessed a miracle after NASA got outer space's first flower to bloom. US astronaut Scott Kelly tweeted a photograph of an orange zinnia, which has flowered on the ISS. The flower was grown by NASA to help scientists understand how plants and flower grow in microgravity, suggested their blog. The success of the flower's growth suggests that scientists have the potential to grow more plants in space. It could also mean there may be a potential ... // <![CDATA[大块头服务员招待食客吃得多]]> // The quantity of food you consume at a restaurant may depend on how heavy your waiter is, a new research suggests. The research observed 497 diners ordering dinner in casual American restaurants. Researchers showed that people who ordered their food from heavier wait staff were four times more likely to order dessert, and ordered 17% more alcoholic beverages. Lead author Tim Doering, researcher at the Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab, "No one goes to a restaurant to start a diet. As ... // <![CDATA[自拍可以揭示很多不同文化]]> // A data project suggests that analysis of selfies can prove "very rich" as a data source, both in terms of what they could reveal about different cultures in different cities and illustrating how people wanted to be perceived. Using facial-recognition software and ranking the most happy as 1 and the least as 0, a team of data scientists, designers and researchers collected 152,462 Instagram pictures tagged around London's Somerset House over the period of one week, 640 of which were deemed to be selfies, the Guardian reported.... // <![CDATA[你的Facebook帖子很大程度上反映了你的个性:布鲁内尔大学]]> // The posts that you update on Facebook may say a lot about you or so, according to a new study from London's Brunel University. The study said that those who posted regularly about their relationship on Facebook were insecure and needed attention and approval to distract from their insecurities. On the other hand, those who posted about their healthy lifestyle or gym sessions were egotistical and wanted likes and comments to reinforce their sense of self. "It is important to understand why people ... // <![CDATA[26岁的医生被发现死在德里拉姆·马诺哈尔·洛希亚医生医院的停车场] // On august 1st, a 26-year old doctor's body was found in a car in the morning at a parking lot in Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia (RML) Hospital, said hospital officials.The doctor, Prakash P, was originally from Chennai committed suicide due to a failed love affair. But no suicide note was recovered said the police after initial investigations. The doctor joined the hospital two months ago and was working as a radiologist. Also it was noted that that the doctor was undergoing treatment for depression for the past one week in the same hospital.... // <![CDATA[健康剂量的冒险,体育活动对癌症儿童有很大帮助] // A new research suggests that children with cancer may benefit from a different kind of treatment - a healthy dose of adventure such as dog sledding. The study followed eleven children aged 10-18 years, and five chaperones including doctors and nurses, on a dog sledding expedition to Canada organized by the French non-profit organization Sourire a la Vie. "What I learned from this study is that we doctors have the false belief that kids with cancer cannot practice sport because they are ... // <![CDATA[以色列发现古花提取物可天然治疗糖尿病]]> // Israeli researchers have discovered an amazing plant, iChiliadenus iphionoides/i, or sharp varthemia, native to their region that apparently helps treat type-2 diabetes naturally without the need for drugs or injections. The team is working with drug companies to isolate the plant's active ingredient so it can be synthesized and turned into a patented, corporate-owned pharmaceutical drug rather than promote the actual plant as a therapeutic option for patients. The plant has a stocky, ... // <![CDATA[麻风病患者的重建手术带来很大的缓解:整形外科医生]]> // Generally, patients with leprosy do not come forward to undergo reconstructive surgery to make their limbs function again due to a feeling of stigma. The Department of Plastic Surgery of Andhra Medical College (AMC) and King George Hospital (KGH) has been conducting a workshop on tendon transfer in leprosy patients on July 15 every year for the last three years to mark the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Day. Doctors and PG students from different parts of AP are invited to the workshop.... // <![CDATA[护士感染MERS病毒,总病例上升至184例:韩国]]> // After a short hiatus, South Korean health authorities have reported new cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) each on Thursday and Friday. A nurse in South Korea's capital city tested positive for the MERS virus on Friday, July 3, 2015. The 24-year-old nurse at the Samsung Medical Center contracted the virus while treating patients at an isolated hospital ward. With this new case the MERS toll has gone up to 184. The total death toll remained stable at 33. Seven more patients ... // <![CDATA[你的社交媒体活动很大程度上反映了你的性格]]> // Your social media activity over the internet reveals much more about you than you can imagine. A new study by Fractal Analytics and BuzzStream -- both digital analytics platforms - establishes the connections between gender, education, political leanings, and preferred publications of Facebook users. It found that across all publications studied, from the BBC and Fox News, to Wired and BuzzFeed, most audiences were primarily men. Yahoo and BuzzFeed were the only publications preferred by women.... // <![CDATA[印度视障男孩在莲花频道主持30分钟新闻简报]]> // An 11-year-old visually-challenged child, T. Sriramanujam, has fulfilled his long cherished dream of becoming a news anchor. Sriramanujam, who was born blind at birth, anchored a 30-minute news bulletin with the help of Braille, in Tamil Nadu, a southern state in India. After successfully completing his assignment, a thrilled Sriramanujam shared his experience of reading news before the camera. The news that Sriramanujam read included the follow up of the Nepal earthquake and former Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa's trial.... // <![CDATA[我从奋斗中学到了很多:安吉丽娜·朱莉]]> // Angelina Jolie revealed that she truly believes the old saying, 'What does not kill you makes you stronger'.Jolie underwent a preventive surgery to remove her breasts, ovaries and fallopian tubes to reduce her risk of cancer because she carries the BRCA1 gene.Angelina Jolie, said, "I do believe in the old saying, 'What does not kill you makes you stronger'. Our experiences, good and bad, make us who we are. By overcoming difficulties, we gain strength and maturity."The actress underwent a laparoscopic ... // <![CDATA[大量怀孕青少年饮酒和吸毒:研究] // Many teenagers, especially younger teens, do not seem to be getting the message about the risks of using alcohol and drugs during pregnancy, found a new research from University of Texas. They suggest that having involved parents and being engaged academically can help. The study, led by Assistant Professor Christopher Salas-Wright at UT Austin's School of Social Work and published in the Spring 2015 issue of Addictive Behaviors, examines the relationship between substance use and teen pregnancy ... //