瘢痕疙瘩最新消息 //www.nitorex.com/healthnews/keloids-news.asp 列出了来自Medindia的所有关于瘢痕疙瘩的最新消息。 en - us 2023年版权。版权所有。 周四,2023年3月2日20:44:14 GMT <![CDATA[电子绷带有助于伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/e-bandage-could-aid-in-wound-healing-210687-1.htm bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points" li30 minutes of electrotherapy each day is enough to stimulate healing/li liIt greatly increases the healing of cells, their migration into the wound, and the regeneration of skin tissue in the area/li liNew blood vessels are formed in the new skin tissue, and inflammation is reduced/li/ulNorthwestern University researchers created a first-of-its-kind, tiny, flexible, elastic bandage that speeds up healing by administering electrotherapy directly to the wound site.... //www.nitorex.com/news/e-bandage-could-aid-in-wound-healing-210687-1.htm <!胶原蛋白补充剂真的名副其实吗?]] > //www.nitorex.com/news/do-collagen-supplements-live-up-to-the-hype-210378-1.htm bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points"li Collagen gummies are the latest supplement trend/li liCollagen gummies are a type of "candy" containing collagen, an amino acid that is vital for maintaining strong bones, teeth, skin, hair, and nails /li liLike a coin, it also has two faces, with one representing the advantages of consuming this supplement and the other the adverse effects of the same/li/ul Collagen is a big business, judging by the variety of collagen ... //www.nitorex.com/news/do-collagen-supplements-live-up-to-the-hype-210378-1.htm <![CDATA[淡水藻类促进皮肤再生伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/fresh-water-algae-enhances-skin-regenerative-wound-healing-210105-1.htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list" li iEuglena gracilis/i, freshwater green algae, helps speed up wound healing /li li It increases both collagen synthesis and the expressions of proliferation-associated proteins /li li This has considerable potential in the field of skin regeneration /li/ul A product of a freshwater single-celled green algae called iEuglena gracilis/i may increase skin regeneration and speed up wound healing, according to new research published in iAdvanced Materials Interfaces/i.... //www.nitorex.com/news/fresh-water-algae-enhances-skin-regenerative-wound-healing-210105-1.htm <![CDATA[移植毛囊可治疗疤痕]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/transplanted-hair-follicles-could-be-the-treatment-for-scars-210001-1.htm bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points"li Skin scarring can cause discomfort, and in some cases impair the functioning of organs/li liA recent study has shown that scarred skin acts like normal skin post treatment with hair follicles /li liThe follicles continued to produce hair and caused restoration across skin layers after implantation/li/ul In a new study consisting of three volunteers, scars on the skin behave like uninjured skin after they were treated with hair follicle transplants.... //www.nitorex.com/news/transplanted-hair-follicles-could-be-the-treatment-for-scars-210001-1.htm <![CDATA[微针改善手术疤痕外观]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/microneedling-improves-appearance-of-surgical-scars-208464-1.htm Microneedling procedure improves the final appearance of surgical scars, when done within six to seven weeks, reports a study in the September issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Regd) , the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer. That's in contrast to the "conventional wisdom" that treatments to improve the appearance of surgical scars should be delayed for up to a year, according ... //www.nitorex.com/news/microneedling-improves-appearance-of-surgical-scars-208464-1.htm <![CDATA[微针治疗痤疮疤痕有效]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/microneedling-proves-effective-for-acne-scar-treatment-208347-1.htm Microneedling is more effective for patients with acne scars, stated a new study. Babar Rao, a professor of dermatology and pathology at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, and fellow researchers randomly assigned 60 patients with acne scars and dark skin - Fitzpatrick Skin Phototype IV to VI - to treatment with either 35 percent glycolic acid chemical peels or microneedling, both administered every two weeks for 12 weeks. Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure involving tiny, sterilized ... //www.nitorex.com/news/microneedling-proves-effective-for-acne-scar-treatment-208347-1.htm <![CDATA[新发现超越脱发治疗,加速伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/new-discovery-goes-beyond-hair-loss-treatment-to-cure-baldness-speed-up-wound-healing-208048-1.htm Chemical controlling life and death in hair follicles may help treat baldness and also speedup wound healing, suggests a new study. A single chemical is the key to controlling when hair follicle cells divide, and when they die. This discovery could not only btreat baldness/b, but ultimately bspeed wound healing/b because follicles are a source of stem cells. Most cells in the human body have a specific form and function determined during embryonic development that does not change. For ... //www.nitorex.com/news/new-discovery-goes-beyond-hair-loss-treatment-to-cure-baldness-speed-up-wound-healing-208048-1.htm <![CDATA[隐藏的伤疤-父母家暴扰乱童年]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/hidden-scars-parental-domestic-violence-disturbs-childhood-206698-1.htm The lifetime prevalence of suicide attempts among adults who had been exposed to chronic parental domestic violence during childhood was 17.3% compared to 2.3% among those without this childhood adversity, according to a new study by the University of Toronto. The study is published in the journal iChild: Care, Health and Development/i. "iThose exposed to chronic parental domestic violence still had more than twice the odds of having attempted suicide even in the absence of childhood sexual ... //www.nitorex.com/news/hidden-scars-parental-domestic-violence-disturbs-childhood-206698-1.htm <![CDATA[低温等离子体技术使伤口即时愈合成为现实]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/instant-wound-healing-evolves-into-reality-with-cool-plasma-technology-206509-1.htm bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points"li Instant wound healing remains a show-stealer in different science-fiction movies/lili Scientists now harness cutting-edge research to formulate a new way of wound healing/lili Plasma medicine is found to increase the rate of wound healing, thereby curating a new era of medicine/li/ul Instant wound healing as portrayed in popular science fiction (sci-fi) concepts may be a reality soon as per a study i'Simulating the Feasibility ... //www.nitorex.com/news/instant-wound-healing-evolves-into-reality-with-cool-plasma-technology-206509-1.htm <![CDATA[蓝莓促进伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/wound-healing-promoted-by-blueberries-206434-1.htm Wound healing may be aided with the extract of blueberry as per a study to be presented in Philadelphia at the American Physiological Society's (APS) annual meeting at i Experimental Biology 2022. /i Wound care costs over (Dollor) 50 billion annually. Moreover, conditions like diabetes-related sores and pressure ulcers are often categorized as b "nonhealing" chronic wounds, /b as a result of reduced vascularization (development of nutrient-rich blood vessels). The study team found that ... //www.nitorex.com/news/wound-healing-promoted-by-blueberries-206434-1.htm <![CDATA[伤口愈合过程中形成血凝块]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/blood-clots-formation-during-wound-healing-206103-1.htm Understanding of wound repair may be enhanced with the new blood clot research at the RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences published in i Science Advances. /i The study examined the b behavior of platelets at a wound site, specifically their ability to sense where within a blood clot they are /b and remodel their surroundings accordingly. b Platelets are key to initiating wound healing /b and the formation of blood clots (thrombus). Fibroblasts are connective ... //www.nitorex.com/news/blood-clots-formation-during-wound-healing-206103-1.htm <![CDATA[慢性伤口愈合干细胞]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/stem-cells-for-chronic-wound-healing-204872-1.htm Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) treatment is a new promising approach for chronic wound healing, said researchers. MSCs have proven to be an attractive cell type for cell-based therapy due to their ease of isolation, vast differentiation potential, and immunomodulatory effects during transplantation. Chronic or non-healing skin wounds present an ongoing challenge in advanced wound care and the current wound healing technologies remain insufficient. Furthermore, MSCs were determined to ... //www.nitorex.com/news/stem-cells-for-chronic-wound-healing-204872-1.htm <![CDATA[开发有效皮肤伤口愈合新疗法]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/new-therapy-for-efficient-skin-wound-healing-developed-204610-1.htm Agrin protein discovered helps promote wound healing and repair, when it is triggered after skin tissue is injured, revealed research published in the journal iNature Communications/i. One in 20 Singaporeans is afflicted with chronic wound conditions.[1] Complications in the healing of chronic wounds are prevalent in patients suffering from diabetes or burn injuries, and are a leading cause of amputation and decreased emotional wellbeing for patients. During injury, a major chunk of extracellular ... //www.nitorex.com/news/new-therapy-for-efficient-skin-wound-healing-developed-204610-1.htm <![CDATA[耐多药细菌伤口感染的新疗法]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/new-treatment-for-multidrug-resistant-bacterial-wound-infections-203817-1.htm A new kind of antibiotic-free protection for wounds that kills drug-resistant bacteria and induces the body's immune responses to fight infections is developed by Sweden scientists. The new treatment is based on specially-developed hydrogels consisting of polymers known as dendritic macromolecules is reported in the iJournal of the American Chemical Society/i. bThe hydrogels are formed spontaneously when sprayed on wounds as dressing material and are degradable and non-toxic/b. Despite ... //www.nitorex.com/news/new-treatment-for-multidrug-resistant-bacterial-wound-infections-203817-1.htm <![CDATA[新胶原蛋白成分修复婴儿皮肤]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/collagen-ingredient-gaining-attention-of-scientists-201243-1.htm Protinol, the new collagen patented ingredient, acts by restoring collagen 1 and 3, bringing them closer to that optimal ratio found in baby skin. Collagen is responsible for the irresistible quality, texture and bounce found in baby skin. Collagen makes up 80 per cent of skin and consequently is the most critical structural protein in your skin. However, not all collagen is created equally; it's a complex protein and not easy to 'replace' once lost. In your skin, there are two main types ... //www.nitorex.com/news/collagen-ingredient-gaining-attention-of-scientists-201243-1.htm <![CDATA[绷带中的传感器可以跟踪伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/sensors-in-bandage-can-track-healing-of-wound-198756-1.htm Even without removing the bandage, a wearable sensor can track the healing of ulcers, sores, and other chronic skin wounds. The research was conducted at the Skoltech and the University of Texas at Austin. The study was published in the journal iACS Sensors./i Chronic wounds like diabetic foot ulcers or pressure ulcers heal slowly and can be difficult to manage for healthcare professionals and patients. Doctors and nurses have to remove the bandages covering the wound to monitor the healing process and determine the treatment options.... //www.nitorex.com/news/sensors-in-bandage-can-track-healing-of-wound-198756-1.htm <![CDATA[天然碱性水凝胶有助于促进伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/natural-alkaline-hydrogel-helps-promote-wound-healing-197127-1.htm bHighlights:/b ul class="group-list punch-points" li Would healing is a complex, dynamic, yet fragile process that requires an appropriate physiological environment to promote the growth of new cells/li liThe unique molecular structure of hydrogels, along with its ability to absorb water, and a short gelation time, make it ideal for wound healing/li liHydrogels are transparent, and their alkaline pH facilitates the proliferation of skin healing cells like fibroblasts and keratinocytes/li/ul The ... //www.nitorex.com/news/natural-alkaline-hydrogel-helps-promote-wound-healing-197127-1.htm <![CDATA[新型显微镜技术可以无创评估伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/novel-microscopy-technique-can-non-invasively-evaluate-wound-healing-195551-1.htm New multimodal optical imaging can non-invasively monitor various physiological aspects of the wound healing process, thus becoming a promising tool in the development of better diagnostic, treatment, and monitoring strategies for wound care. The findings of the study are published in the journal iBMJ Open Diabetes Research (and) Care/i. "Nobody really understands how topical drugs affect the skin because they can't see below the skin," said Marina Marjanovic, an associate professor of bioengineering ... //www.nitorex.com/news/novel-microscopy-technique-can-non-invasively-evaluate-wound-healing-195551-1.htm <![CDATA[儿童烧伤幸存者的心理创伤比身体创伤更痛]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/psychological-scars-hurt-more-than-physical-wounds-for-child-burn-survivors-194924-1.htm Kids and young adult burn survivors are more troubled by psychological scars than physical wounds, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the iJournal of Burn Care (and) Research/i. While treatment is typically focused primarily on acute care for physical wounds, the surveys suggest that survivors are left with few tools to handle social anxieties and traumatizing memories. "Over the years, we have made many advancements in treating the physical wounds of burn survivors, ... //www.nitorex.com/news/psychological-scars-hurt-more-than-physical-wounds-for-child-burn-survivors-194924-1.htm <![CDATA[新型绷带材料可以止血而不粘伤口]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/new-bandage-material-can-stop-bleeding-without-sticking-to-the-wound-192496-1.htm New kind of bandage coated with silicone and carbon nanofibres can promote wound healing and can subsequently be easily removed without adhering to the wound. "We did not actually plan this, but that is just how science works sometimes: you start researching one thing and end up somewhere else," says ETH Professor Dimos Poulikakos. Together with scientists from his group and from the National University of Singapore, they developed and tested various superhydrophobic materials - which are, like ... //www.nitorex.com/news/new-bandage-material-can-stop-bleeding-without-sticking-to-the-wound-192496-1.htm <![CDATA[短疤痕技术提升秃头男性的脸]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/new-short-scar-technique-uplifts-bald-mens-faces-192291-1.htm New shorter incision carried just above the top of the ear could be the solution to hide scar for bald men who underwent facelift surgery, according to a new study in the iPlastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Regd) /i, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reveal that more than 12,000 men had facelift surgery in 2018: an increase of three percent from the previous year. In the conventional technique, ... //www.nitorex.com/news/new-short-scar-technique-uplifts-bald-mens-faces-192291-1.htm <![CDATA[研究揭示疤痕形成]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/study-sheds-light-on-scar-formation-191727-1.htm Fascia functions as a repository of mobile scar tissue, said team of Dr. Yuval Rinkevich, Group Leader for Regenerative Biology at the Institute of Lung Biology and Disease at Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen. Scars form when fibroblasts, a type of cell of connective tissue, reach wounded skin and deposit plugs of extracellular matrix. Until today, the question about the exact anatomical origin of these fibroblasts has not been answered. As it was already known that all scars derive from a fibroblast ... //www.nitorex.com/news/study-sheds-light-on-scar-formation-191727-1.htm <!粘膜组织的伤口愈合可以抵御艾滋病:研究]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/wound-healing-in-mucous-tissues-could-ward-off-aids-study-191619-1.htm Wound-repair capabilities maintain tissue integrity during early infection and might prevent inflammation that underlies immune exhaustion, reveals a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal iNature Communications/i. The research looked at why certain species can carry the virus throughout their lives, and still avoid disease progression. SIV is closely related to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is used as a laboratory model for many studies seeking AIDS and HIV cures and preventions.... //www.nitorex.com/news/wound-healing-in-mucous-tissues-could-ward-off-aids-study-191619-1.htm <![CDATA[新的防御机制对抗细菌伤口感染]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/new-defensive-mechanism-fights-against-bacterial-wound-infections-190746-1.htm Wound inflammation impairs wound healing and can cause serious consequences for patients. However, a research team from Charite - Universitatsmedizin Berlin has discovered a new defensive mechanism, which enables our skin to actively kill bacteria. Central to this mechanism is a cellular messenger molecule known as 'interleukin 6', whose mode of action may be used in the future to prevent wound infections. Results from this research have been published in iPNAS./i bSkin wound colonization ... //www.nitorex.com/news/new-defensive-mechanism-fights-against-bacterial-wound-infections-190746-1.htm <![CDATA[新系统改善士兵伤口治疗和药物输送]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/synthetic-system-improves-wound-treatment-drug-delivery-189808-1.htm New synthetic biologic system built by scientists could help deliver drugs, treat wounds and purify water for Soldiers. The research is published in the journal iChem/i. The Army Research Office, an element of the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command's Army Research Laboratory, funded the project. "This ability to program stable structure and chemical functionality in all-aqueous systems that are environmentally friendly and bio-compatible will potentially provide unprecedented future capabilities for the Army," said Dr.... //www.nitorex.com/news/synthetic-system-improves-wound-treatment-drug-delivery-189808-1.htm <![CDATA[微针可以消除痤疮疤痕]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/microneedling-can-vanish-your-acne-scars-189527-1.htm Acne scars and dark pimple marks can make your complexion look bad and uneven. Microneedling can remove acne scars and make your skin glow. It turns out creating tiny injuries on your face with needles actually helps decrease the appearance of acne scars. A team of researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) have found that this process, called microneedling, helps rejuvenation and decreases the inflammation and scarring that often plagues those with acne. The American Academy ... //www.nitorex.com/news/microneedling-can-vanish-your-acne-scars-189527-1.htm <![CDATA[糖尿病正常伤口愈合酶]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/enzyme-for-normal-wound-healing-in-diabetics-189101-1.htm An epigenetic enzyme that regulates inflammation has been identified, which is important for normal wound healing. However, this enzyme is absent in people with diabetes and ways to improve it need to be studied. For the average person, getting a cut or scrape on the foot may not be cause for immediate concern. However, for people with type 2 diabetes, these wounds can be life-threatening. According to a 2016 study, one-third of the cost of type 2 diabetes treatment is related to non-healing ... //www.nitorex.com/news/enzyme-for-normal-wound-healing-in-diabetics-189101-1.htm <!胶原蛋白在伤口愈合中的作用:研究 //www.nitorex.com/news/collagen-is-effective-in-wound-closure-study-188900-1.htm Collagen powders are as effective as primary closure with non-absorbable sutures in managing skin biopsy wounds, reveals a first-of-its-kind study published in the iJournal of Drugs in Dermatology/i. The team investigated the efficacy of topical collagen powder compared to primary closure on the rate and quality of full-thickness wound healing through histopathological analysis of healing and comparison of symptoms and early cosmetic outcomes. Collagen is best known as an essential structural ... //www.nitorex.com/news/collagen-is-effective-in-wound-closure-study-188900-1.htm <![CDATA[模拟皮肤的可穿戴传感器帮助伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/wearable-sensors-imitate-skin-to-aid-wound-healing-process-187019-1.htm Novel sensors developed can mimic the skin and monitor wounds in real-time, helping them heal faster, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal iBiosensors and Bioelectronics/i. "We eventually hope that these sensors and engineering accomplishments can help advance healthcare applications and provide a better quantitative understanding in disease progression, wound care, general health, fitness monitoring and more," said Matthew Brown, a Ph.D. student at Binghamton University.... //www.nitorex.com/news/wearable-sensors-imitate-skin-to-aid-wound-healing-process-187019-1.htm <![CDATA[新设备可以帮助减少整容手术的疤痕]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/new-device-can-help-minimize-scars-in-cosmetic-surgery-186474-1.htm New device developed can help reduce scarring during surgery and ascertain the orientation of skin tension lines, which is vital for wound-healing post-operation, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal iActa Biomaterialia/i. Human skin is a complex tissue that exhibits properties that arise primarily from the alignment of collagen fibers in the dermis layer of the skin, ultimately causing skin tension lines. These lines are vital for surgery, as they are ... //www.nitorex.com/news/new-device-can-help-minimize-scars-in-cosmetic-surgery-186474-1.htm <![CDATA[注入电的绷带可以加速伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/bandages-infused-with-electricity-can-speed-up-wound-healing-186366-1.htm Electroceutical bandages can heal wounds much faster, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal iScientific Reports/i. A recent study by a team at The Ohio State University is offering new clues about the science behind those bandages, and researchers say the findings could help lead to better wound treatment. The bandages belong to a class of therapies called electroceuticals, which are devices that use electrical impulses to treat medical issues such as wounds.... //www.nitorex.com/news/bandages-infused-with-electricity-can-speed-up-wound-healing-186366-1.htm <![CDATA[新型纤维蛋白原纳米纤维用于伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/novel-fibrinogen-nanofibers-for-wound-healing-186301-1.htm A new method for making wound healing tissue scaffolds from a plasma protein found in blood has been developed by the researchers, which could be extremely useful for future use in wound healing and tissue engineering. Based on a study published in iBiofabrication/i, the new tissue scaffolds can be utilized for either in vitro laboratory studies or direct applications in the body and can be attached or detached from the surface. Lead author Professor Dorothea Bruggemann, from the University ... //www.nitorex.com/news/novel-fibrinogen-nanofibers-for-wound-healing-186301-1.htm <![CDATA[移动皮肤生物打印机可以加速伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/mobile-skin-bioprinter-can-speed-up-wound-healing-186239-1.htm Newly developed mobile skin bioprinter can heal wounds much faster, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in Nature's iScientific Reports/i journal. Imagine a day when a bioprinter filled with a patient's own cells can be wheeled right to the bedside to treat large wounds or burns by printing skin, layer by layer, to begin the healing process. That day is not far off. Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM) scientists have created such a mobile skin ... //www.nitorex.com/news/mobile-skin-bioprinter-can-speed-up-wound-healing-186239-1.htm <![CDATA[靶向疤痕组织是治疗胰腺癌的关键]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/targeting-scar-tissue-is-a-key-to-treat-pancreatic-cancer-185768-1.htm A scar tissue wall plays a vital role in protecting pancreatic cancer and making the disease difficult to treat. New research aims at targeting this mighty scar tissue wall and could also lead to tailor-made treatments including immunotherapies for the patients. Co-lead researcher Professor Hemant Kocher from Queen Mary University of London and Barts Health NHS Trust, said: "We are excited to uncover new potential targets for treatment of patients with pancreatic cancer. Scar tissue is a huge barrier ... //www.nitorex.com/news/targeting-scar-tissue-is-a-key-to-treat-pancreatic-cancer-185768-1.htm <![CDATA[新材料可以通过利用自然愈合方法帮助推动伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/new-materials-can-help-drive-wound-healing-by-harnessing-natural-healing-methods-184946-1.htm New study finds that incorporating traction force-activated payloads (TrAPs) could revolutionize the way injuries are treated. This method lets materials talk to the body's natural repair systems to speed up the healing process. The findings of the study are published in the journal iAdvanced Materials/i. Materials are widely used to help heal wounds: Collagen sponges help treat burns and pressure sores, and scaffold-like implants are used to repair bones. However, the process of tissue ... //www.nitorex.com/news/new-materials-can-help-drive-wound-healing-by-harnessing-natural-healing-methods-184946-1.htm <![CDATA[面部严重烧伤疤痕的女性进行了全面改造]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/woman-with-severe-facial-burn-scars-gets-a-total-makeover-184737-1.htm A 23-year-old woman who had suffered severe burns which left deep scars on her face got a total makeover at Ram Manohar Lohia (RML) Hospital in Delhi. Dr. Sameek Bhattacharya, Professor of Plastic Surgery Department at RML, said in this case, the team of surgeons opted for a process called tissue expansion a procedure under that enables the body to grow extra skin. "Skin movement is also fashioned in a very particular way. It involves proper planning so that the ultimate scar lines fall in areas where it is not much visible," Dr.... //www.nitorex.com/news/woman-with-severe-facial-burn-scars-gets-a-total-makeover-184737-1.htm <![CDATA[电子绷带可以加速伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/e-bandage-can-speed-up-wound-healing-184690-1.htm Self-powered bandage developed by scientists was found to generate an electric field over an injury, dramatically reducing the healing time for skin wounds. Wounds covered by electric bandage, or e-bandage, closed within three days, compared with 12 days for a control bandage with no electric field, showed the findings published in the journal ACS Nano. As early as the 1960s, researchers observed that electrical stimulation could help skin wounds heal, but its application has remained ... //www.nitorex.com/news/e-bandage-can-speed-up-wound-healing-184690-1.htm <![CDATA[新型伤口敷料促进伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/new-wound-dressing-promotes-better-healing-184141-1.htm New wound dressing method promotes rapid wound healing, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal iACS Nano/i. A new, low-cost wound dressing developed by University of Wisconsin-Madison engineers could dramatically speed up healing in a surprising way. The method leverages energy generated from a patient's own body motions to apply gentle electrical pulses at the site of an injury. In rodent tests, the dressings reduced healing times to a mere three ... //www.nitorex.com/news/new-wound-dressing-promotes-better-healing-184141-1.htm <![CDATA[微凝胶粉抗感染,促进伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/microgel-powder-fights-infection-improves-wound-healing-183788-1.htm Microgel powder can help ward off bacterial and viral infections and improve wound healing. The findings of the study are published in the journal iActa Biomaterialia/i. While making smart glue, a team of engineers discovered a handy byproduct: hydrogen peroxide. In microgel form, it reduces bacteria and virus ability to infect by at least 99 percent. Hao Meng's doctoral project focused on biocompatibility testing and pulling a sticky amino acid out of mussels. Glue-like catechol shows ... //www.nitorex.com/news/microgel-powder-fights-infection-improves-wound-healing-183788-1.htm <![CDATA[新型联合疗法有助于促进伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/novel-combination-therapy-can-help-promote-wound-healing-183328-1.htm Healing time of the wound can be cut by half by incorporating a gene-suppressing drug into an over-the-counter gel, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal iAdvances in Wound Care/i. "Not only did wound healing occur more rapidly and completely, but actual regeneration occurred, with hair follicles and the skin's supportive collagen network restored in wounded skin clinically important improvements that are unprecedented in wound care," says senior authorDavid J.... //www.nitorex.com/news/novel-combination-therapy-can-help-promote-wound-healing-183328-1.htm <![CDATA[电子烟会延缓伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/e-cigarette-vaping-can-delay-wound-healing-183223-1.htm E-cigarette vaping can negatively impact skin wound healing, causing harm similar to that of traditional cigarette smoking, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal iJAMA Facial Plastic Surgery/i. Researchers, led by a team from Boston Medical Center (BMC), found exposure to both e-cigarette vaping and traditional cigarettes in experimental models resulted in increased tissue death, which delays wound healing. These findings provide important information ... //www.nitorex.com/news/e-cigarette-vaping-can-delay-wound-healing-183223-1.htm <![CDATA[睡眠不足可延缓2型糖尿病患者伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/poor-sleep-can-delay-wound-healing-in-type-2-diabetics-181919-1.htm People with Type 2 diabetes who do not sleep well may experience delayed wound healing, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal iSleep/i. The research found that overweight mice with Type 2 diabetes and disrupted sleep needed more time to heal skin wounds than mice that also had disrupted sleep but didn't have Type 2 diabetes. These results confirm that sleep plays an especially important role in wound healing among obese mice with Type 2 diabetes. For ... //www.nitorex.com/news/poor-sleep-can-delay-wound-healing-in-type-2-diabetics-181919-1.htm <![CDATA[开发出一种更快更便宜地制备胶原蛋白微纤维的新方法]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/novel-method-to-make-spinning-collagen-microfibres-quicker-and-cheaper-developed-181796-1.htm A novel method developed by scientists in Norfolk, VA (USA) is involved in the making of collagen microfibres, which could have applications in research, medical devices and clinical treatments ranging from ligament damage to skin burns. While collagen fibre manufacturing methods such as electrospinning and extrusion exist for biomedical applications, they have seen limited clinical success. This is partially due to challenges of scalability, cost, and complexity. The research team, ... //www.nitorex.com/news/novel-method-to-make-spinning-collagen-microfibres-quicker-and-cheaper-developed-181796-1.htm <![CDATA[研究表明为什么内部疤痕不会停止生长]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/study-shows-why-internal-scars-wont-stop-growing-180974-1.htm Scientists have discovered new compound that halts some fibrotic diseases. Fibrosis accounts for up to 40 percent of all global deaths and human fibrotic cells reveal immune abnormality. Normal scar tissue forms to heal an internal wound and quietly retreats when the job is done. But in many common diseases - kidney, liver and lung fibrosis -- the scar tissue goes rogue and strangles vital organs. These diseases are largely untreatable and ultimately fatal. Fibrosis - a progressive scarring ... //www.nitorex.com/news/study-shows-why-internal-scars-wont-stop-growing-180974-1.htm <![CDATA[胶原蛋白结构改变可能导致肺纤维化]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/lung-fibrosis-may-be-caused-by-alteration-in-structure-of-collagen-180722-1.htm Alteration in the structure of collagen leads to lung fibrosis, according to a new study. This contrasts the finding of prior studies that claims that the amount of collagen is more important in the development of lung fibrosis. The study provides the first evidence in humans that altered collagen structure affects tissue stiffness during progression of lung fibrosis and identifies a potential new target for drugs to prevent the condition. It is widely thought that fibrosis occurs when components ... //www.nitorex.com/news/lung-fibrosis-may-be-caused-by-alteration-in-structure-of-collagen-180722-1.htm <![CDATA[新型再生绷带加速糖尿病伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/new-regenerative-bandage-for-faster-diabetic-wound-healing-180181-1.htm New regenerative bandage can quickly heal painful, hard-to-treat sores without using drugs in patients with diabetes, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal iProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences/i. The study showed that the bandage healed diabetic wounds 33 percent faster than one of the most popular bandages currently on the market. "The novelty is that we identified a segment of a protein in skin that is important to wound healing, made ... //www.nitorex.com/news/new-regenerative-bandage-for-faster-diabetic-wound-healing-180181-1.htm <!发现控制胶原蛋白分泌的酶> //www.nitorex.com/news/enzyme-that-controls-secretion-of-collagen-identified-180136-1.htm bAn enzyme called 'USP8' is the key enzyme involved in the controlling of collagen secretion/b, a research team at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) claims. All of our cells make and release proteins. The proteins are packaged as "cargo" in tiny, bubble-like vesicles before being transported outside the cell. This process, known as secretion, is vital to healthy growth and development. Although many studies have shown how these vesicles, called COPII carriers, handle relatively ... //www.nitorex.com/news/enzyme-that-controls-secretion-of-collagen-identified-180136-1.htm <![CDATA[纳米颗粒检测严重伤口疤痕]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/nanoparticles-to-detect-serious-wound-scarring-179999-1.htm Using nanoparticles scientists were able to quickly and accurately predict whether a wound is likely to lead to excessive scarring as occurs in keloids and skin contractures. The new method has been developed by scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and Northwestern University in the United States. Clinicians currently find it difficult to predict how scars will develop following surgery or after a burn wound, without resorting to invasive testing. If ... //www.nitorex.com/news/nanoparticles-to-detect-serious-wound-scarring-179999-1.htm <![CDATA[显微氧泡改善癌症治疗,快速伤口愈合]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/microscopic-oxygen-bubbles-improve-cancer-therapeutics-rapid-wound-healing-178742-1.htm Microscopic bubbles filled with oxygen can be used in enhancing various medical treatments, such as improving certain therapies in the treatment of cancer and also in quick wound healing, according to a new Purdue University-patented technology. Samara Biotech LLC, a Purdue startup, has developed an easy-to-use method to inject oxygen "nanobubbles" intravenously so they can be targeted precisely at wounds or cancerous tumors. The bubbles do not actually do the therapies, but enhance other therapies, ... //www.nitorex.com/news/microscopic-oxygen-bubbles-improve-cancer-therapeutics-rapid-wound-healing-178742-1.htm <![CDATA[肉毒杆菌能减少面部手术疤痕]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/botox-minimizes-facial-surgery-scars-177463-1.htm Treating patients who are undergoing reconstructive surgery of the face with botox or botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) can help improve the appearance of facial surgical scars. Injection of BTX-A is best known by the brand name Botox is widely used for treatment of facial lines and wrinkles. It is the most common cosmetic procedure in the United States, with about 7 million BTX-A injection procedures performed in 2016, according to ASPS statistics. The report of a clinical trial was published in ... //www.nitorex.com/news/botox-minimizes-facial-surgery-scars-177463-1.htm