最新的血液循环不良新闻 //www.nitorex.com/healthnews/poor-blood-circulation-news.asp 列出所有最新的新闻关于血液循环不良从Medindia。 en - us 2023年版权。版权所有。 周二,2023年2月28日20:32:08 GMT <![CDATA[睡眠不足与维生素缺乏有关] //www.nitorex.com/news/lack-of-sleep-linked-to-vitamin-deficiencies-204656-1.htm bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points"liThough diet and sleep are deeply connected, the impact of vitamins on sleep is unknown/lili Five vitamins appear to play a key role in the quality and quantity of sleep we get/lili Look for ways to improve these vitamin intakes through diet and supplements/li/ul Sleep is vital for physical and mental health, but many factors affect a good night's sleep. One among them is bivitamins./i/b bia href="https:www.... //www.nitorex.com/news/lack-of-sleep-linked-to-vitamin-deficiencies-204656-1.htm <!强化贝类可以解决人体维生素缺乏问题 //www.nitorex.com/news/fortified-shellfish-can-tackle-vitamin-deficiency-in-humans-196353-1.htm Experts have discovered a new way to fortify shellfish with nutrients to address the widespread issue of vitamin deficiency in humans, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal iFrontiers in Nutrition/i. The team is now working with major seafood manufacturers to further test their microencapsulation technology, or "Vitamin Bullets." Fortifying food with micronutrients is already an industry standard for enhancing public health, but now scientists at ... //www.nitorex.com/news/fortified-shellfish-can-tackle-vitamin-deficiency-in-humans-196353-1.htm <![CDATA[贫穷国家精神分裂症患者普遍缺乏维生素]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/vitamin-deficiency-common-among-some-people-with-schizophrenia-in-poorer-nations-192012-1.htm People with schizophrenia in poorer nations are more prone to vitamin deficiency pellagra, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal iSchizophrenia Research ./i Four unsolved mysteries around schizophrenia have long plagued the medical community, but a new hypothesis identifying a common link between them and an almost forgotten epidemic of a disease called pellagra could have profound implications for our understanding of psychosis in poorer nations. The ... //www.nitorex.com/news/vitamin-deficiency-common-among-some-people-with-schizophrenia-in-poorer-nations-192012-1.htm <!维生素缺乏可导致慢性偏头痛发作 //www.nitorex.com/news/vitamin-deficiencies-can-lead-to-chronic-migraine-attacks-160764-1.htm Suffering from migraines? It is best to get your vitamin deficiency checked, claims a new study. Migraines are headaches that occur on one side of the brain. Though stress and other lifestyle factors have been linked to increase the incidence of migraines, a new study conducted by experts at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center showed that vitamin deficiencies can also contribute to it. Researchers analyzed migraine patients who were kids and youngsters. They found that many of these ... //www.nitorex.com/news/vitamin-deficiencies-can-lead-to-chronic-migraine-attacks-160764-1.htm <![CDATA]减肥手术后维生素缺乏可能导致婴儿视力下降]> //www.nitorex.com/news/vitamin-deficiency-post-weight-loss-op-can-lead-to-vision-loss-in-infants-71506-1.htm Vision loss in newborns is a potential fallout of vitamin deficiency after weight loss surgery, a new study has deemed. Researchers documented the case of a woman who had undergone biliopancreatic diversion surgery for obesity seven years before the birth of her child. At nine weeks gestation, the mother was diagnosed with severe deficiencies of Vitamins A, D and K, as well as iron-deficiency anaemia, which had been undetected prior to this point. Despite treatment, her serum vitamin ... //www.nitorex.com/news/vitamin-deficiency-post-weight-loss-op-can-lead-to-vision-loss-in-infants-71506-1.htm <![CDATA[二甲双胍与糖尿病维生素缺乏有关]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/metformin-linked-to-vitamin-deficiency-in-diabetics-69203-1.htm Patients treated over prolonged periods with metformin, a common drug for diabetes, are at risk of developing vitamin B-12 deficiency, which is likely to get progressively worse over time, according to a new study published on bmj.com today. Symptoms of B-12 deficiency include fatigue, mental changes, anemia and neuropathy, which can easily be misdiagnosed as being due to diabetes and its complications or to ageing. Because vitamin B-12 deficiency is preventable, the researchers suggest that regular ... //www.nitorex.com/news/metformin-linked-to-vitamin-deficiency-in-diabetics-69203-1.htm <![CDATA[缺镁加速人类衰老]]> //www.nitorex.com/news/magnesium-deficiency-accelerates-aging-in-humans-35184-1.htm A lack of magnesium accelerates aging in human cells, which may explain the link between any long-term deficiency and a higher risk of aging-related diseases, a study released Monday said. Magnesium is essential for hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, and keeps bones strong. Yet research has shown that, at least in the United States, more than half the population is lacking in magnesium due to deficiencies ... //www.nitorex.com/news/magnesium-deficiency-accelerates-aging-in-humans-35184-1.htm <![慢性维生素缺乏可能导致肥胖和癌症 //www.nitorex.com/news/chronic-vitamin-deficiency-may-lead-to-obesity-cancer-33155-1.htm According to an American researcher a diet with a chronic deficiency of vitamins and other "micronutrients" might lead to the onset of contemporary ills like cancer, obesity and the degenerative diseases of ageing. This finding was stated by Professor Bruce Ames, of the University of California, Berkeley, who invented one of the standard tests for cancer-causing chemicals. He said that 1 or more of the 40 micronutrients essential for a healthy life were short in people's diet. However, ... //www.nitorex.com/news/chronic-vitamin-deficiency-may-lead-to-obesity-cancer-33155-1.htm