Medindia最新更新 // Medindia印度最大的健康网站。 en - us 2023年版权。版权所有。 周二,2023年1月17日05:44:26 GMT <![CDATA[扁桃体炎]]> // In Tonsillitis the tonsils are inflamed and swollen and it usually occurs due to bacterial or viral infection. // <![CDATA[简单血液活检诊断脑肿瘤]]> // A new diagnostic technique called liquid biopsy which detects tumor cells in blood might change the game of brain tumor detections. // <![CDATA[硬化性胆管炎]]> // Sclerosing cholangitis is a liver disease characterized by inflammation and scarring of bile ducts within and outside the liver resulting in their constriction. // <![CDATA[婴儿绞痛测验]]> // Introducing infantile colic quiz, a quiz based on an article that assesses your knowledge of infantile colic. Take it and know better about your colicky baby. // <!关于婴儿猝死综合症(SIDS)你需要知道的一切 // Every year, approximately 3,400 infants die due to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). While rates are decreasing, parents must understand how to decrease the hazards. // <![CDATA[种植牙会让你很快微笑的新框架]]> // Customizable strontium-filled implant surfaces form an effective soft-tissue seal around the dental implant, helping it heal faster. // <![CDATA[口腔卫生测验]]> . // Use this quiz to test your knowledge about Oral Hygiene. It will test you on the various aspects of your Oral Hygiene maintenance. // <![CDATA[黑色素瘤]]> // Melanoma of the skin is a dangerous type of skin cancer that usually appears as a cancerous mole due to exposure to the sun's damaging UV rays. // <![CDATA[印度禁药]]> // Several drugs are either banned or withdrawn after introduction in the market. // <!慢性组织细胞性绒毛间炎——一种罕见的胎盘疾病 // Chronic Histiocytic Intervillositis (CHI) is a rare disorder of placenta which prevents the passage of nutrients and waste products between the mother and fetus causing danger to the unborn child. // <![CDATA[导致肾脏损害的药物测验]]> // Use this quiz to test your knowledge about the drugs that can cause damage to your kidney and this can be irreversible // <![CDATA[腹膜透析测验]]> // Use this quiz to test your knowledge about peritoneal dialysis procedure as an alternative to kidney transplantation, types, and its complications // <![CDATA[如何应对孩子的节日压力]]> . // Do you find your child's holidays stressful? The following techniques can assist your child in remaining calm during the holiday season. // <![CDATA[尿血测验(血尿)]]> // Use this quiz to test your knowledge about blood in urine or Hematuria. A very alarming symptom which can present with or without pain . // <![CDATA[唇部穿孔测试]]> // Use this quiz to test your knowledge about lip piercings. It will test you on the various aspects of lip piercings. // <![CDATA[高纤维食物如何改善心理健康] // Consuming high-fiber foods communicates positive and sound mental health. Research unveils that fiber can turn down the risk of mental disorders. // <![CDATA[唇疱疹]]> // Herpes labialis presents as a blister or cluster of small blisters that appear at the corner or edge of the lips which are painful and reddish purple in color. // <![CDATA[肾衰竭饮食测验]]> // In Kidney failure there are certain fluid and dietary restrictions like limiting fluid intake, avoiding potassium rich food and restricted protein intake. Take the quiz to understand these requirements. // <![CDATA[席琳·迪翁对抗僵硬人综合症]]> // Celine Dion's one-in-a-million illness causes severe spasms that can break bones, eventually turning victims into human statues. // <!少吃卡路里能减肥吗?]] > // Does eating less cause weight loss? Eating less than daily energy requirements will slow down your metabolism and weight loss to save energy. // <![CDATA[测试你对富含钾的食物的了解]]> // Use this quiz to test your knowledge about potassium-rich foods. It will test you on various sources of potassium, recommended intake of potassium, and symptoms of low potassium. // <![CDATA[12月是便秘宣传月]]> // Constipation Awareness Month aims to address the challenges and improve public awareness of people living with constipation. // <![CDATA[人类生长激素]]> // Human growth hormone, otherwise known as somatotropin, stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and bone regeneration. // <![CDATA[化疗]]> // 'Chemo' means medicine or 'drug', 'therapy' means 'treatment'. Chemotherapy refers to the use of cytotoxic drugs in the treatment of cancer. // <![CDATA[在2022年人权日参与并支持人权]]> // Human Rights Day is observed on 10th December every year to ensure the rights of every individual all over the world are met without discrimination. // <![CDATA[冠状动脉搭桥术]]> // Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) or heart bypass surgery is an open heart surgery to relieve the blockages of the arteries of the heart. Coronary artery bypass surgery lasts up to 3 to 6 hours. // <![CDATA[减肥宏量营养素计算器]]> // Macronutrients calculator helps you find the right ratio of macronutrients for weight loss. It is based on current research algorithms that have been proven to help people lose weight. // <![CDATA[肾脏测验]]> // How healthy are your kidneys? To find out take part in our quiz on the kidneys. // <![CDATA[2022年世界残疾日——创新转型的作用]]> // World Disability Day is commemorated every year on December 3 to uplift the contributions of people with disabilities globally // <![CDATA[饮食与口腔健康:含糖可能会变坏]]> // How does diet affect oral health? A diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugars can lead to plaque formation and gum infection. // <!2022年世界艾滋病日——平等!]] > // December 1 is celebrated as World AIDS Day every year to emphasize the global fight against HIV/AIDS. // <![CDATA[测试你对糖摄入量和口腔健康的了解]> . // Sugar is one kind of carbohydrate. Sugars, like other carbs, provide your body with energy. Sugars are either added to foods and beverages or naturally occur in some foods. // <![CDATA[测试你的心理知识]]> // A quiz on the heart to learn more about its functions. // <![CDATA[测试你的基因知识]]> // A gene is a segment of DNA that carries genetic information to determine characteristics or traits. It is a sequence of nucleotides in DNA that is located on chromosomes. Genes vary in size and help in the formation of proteins through the process of transcription and translation. // <![CDATA[青少年肥胖易导致早期心房颤动]]> // A study by University of Gothenburg, analyzing data on almost 1.7 million men in Sweden demonstrated that severe obesity at age 18 can be associated with atrial fibrillation // <![CDATA[前列腺癌近距离放射治疗]]> // Learn about two different types of brachytherapy used for treating prostate cancer. Get information on the latest advances in the field. // <![CDATA[测试你的乳牙知识]]> . // Use this quiz to test your knowledge about Baby teeth. It will test you on the various aspects of your baby's teething. // <![CDATA[你有多了解你的肺]]> . // The lungs are a pair of respiratory organs located on either side of the chest. They are the main part of the respiratory system that helps in removing waste gases like carbon dioxide from our body and supplying oxygen to the body. // <![避免流感感染的健康活动] // In order to avoid respiratory disorders like the flu, following proper hygienic habits like covering the mouth while coughing and washing hands often can be helpful. // <![CDATA[冰冻肩/粘连性囊炎] // Frozen shoulder is characterized by stiffness and pain in shoulder that most commonly affects the elderly. It is also termed as adhesive capsulitis. // <!22年世界儿童日——让世界变蓝!]] > // World Children's Day is commemorated on 20th November globally to validate and improve the well-being of all children. // <!印度每年有77000名女性死于宫颈癌 // The high-risk Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection that leads to cervical cancer killing thousands of Indian women is a significant public health issue // <![CDATA[2022年国际男人节和解]]> // International Men's Day (IMD) is celebrated annually on 19th of November to cherish the importance of men in our lives. // <!母亲的慢性组织细胞性绒毛间炎可能是婴儿的死亡之剑 // Rarely, the mother's due to Chronic Histiocytic Intervillositis may block the placental channel due to immune cells resulting in dangerous consequences to the unborn child // <!为什么乳清蛋白如此受欢迎?]] > // Whey protein holds important bioactive compounds and is a complete protein. Whey protein powders are popularly used for its health benefitting properties. // <!更年期饮食:减少潮热的食物 // What foods help decrease hot flashes? Eating low-fat, plant-based diet rich in soy products could be an effective remedy for reducing hot flashes. // <![CDATA[糖尿病与口腔健康测验]]> . // Use this quiz to test your knowledge about Diabetes and its effects on Oral Health. It will test you on the various oral implications of Diabetes. // <![肾小球肾炎(肾病/肾病综合征)] // Glomerulonephritis is described as spectrum of kidney disease which occurs due to inflammation of the glomerular compartment of the kidney tissues. // <![CDATA[2022年世界糖尿病日:获得糖尿病教育]]> // World Diabetes Day (WDD) is an annual campaign that promotes the importance of taking coordinated and concerted actions to confront diabetes as a critical global health issue reaching over 1 billion people in more than 160 countries. // <![CDATA[胰岛素输送装置]]> // Insulin delivery devices have evolved drastically since their invention in 1922. They are all aimed to provide insulin to the patients with minimal discomfort. //